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As an animal lover it sickens me that people pay to watch a wild animal being exploited for their entertainment.. argh!! What they don't realize is that these animals are abused and housed mostly in squallied conditions! If they didn't go to these shows there would be no business for those sicko's that exploit these animals for their own personal greed!!

2007-03-01 12:25:45 · 10 answers · asked by maidenrocks 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

10 answers

The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. He is in front of it(man).The sort of man who likes to spend his time watching a cage of monkeys chase one another, or a lion gnaw its tail, or a lizard catch flies, is precisely the sort of man whose mental weakness should be combated at the public expense, and not fostered.For centuries people have known that punishment can induce animals to perform. The criminal justice system is based on the human rationality in connecting the act of a crime or wrongdoing with a punishment. Many religions are also based, among other aspects, on a fear of punishment. Fear leads most of us to act correctly, on the whole.
The same is true for other animals. Many years of unnecessary and repetitive psychology experiments with Skinner boxes (among other gadgets) have demonstrated that animals will learn to do things, or act in certain ways (that is, be conditioned) to avoid electric shocks or other punishment.
Animals do need to have their basic food requirements met, otherwise they sicken and die, but they don't need to be "happy" to perform certain acts; fear or desire for a reward (such as food) will make them do it.Not surprisingly, a considerable amount of "persuasion" is required to achieve these performances, and to this end, circuses employ various techniques. These include deprivation of food, deprivation of company, intimidation, muzzling, drugs, punishment and reward systems, shackling, whips, electronic goads, sticks, and the noise of guns...Circus animals suffer similar mental and physical problems to zoo animals, displaying stereotypical behavior...Physical symptoms include shackle sores, herpes, liver failure, kidney disease, and sometimes death...Many of the animals become both physically and mentally ill..To treat animals as objects for our amusement is to treat them without the respect they deserve. When we degrade the most intelligent fellow mammals in this way, we act as our ancestors acted in former centuries. They knew nothing about the animals' intelligence, sensitivities, emotions, and social needs; they saw only brute beasts. To continue such ancient traditions, even if no cruelty were involved, means that we insist on remaining ignorant and insensitive.
But the cruelty does exist and is inherent in these spectacles. In rodeos, there is no show unless the animal is frightened or in pain. In circuses, animals suffer most before and after the show. They endure punishment during training and are subjected to physical and emotional hardships during transportation. They are forced to travel tens of thousands of miles each year, often in extreme heat or cold, with tigers living in cramped cages and elephants chained in filthy railroad cars. To the entrepreneurs, animals are merely stock in trade, to be replaced when they are used up.

2007-03-01 14:44:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I got diagnosed with herpes (type 2) about five years back, while I was still in college and had a silly one-night stand. I understand lots of girls will say this, but I swear I had never done that sort of thing before. I just made a huge mistake that one time and all of a sudden it seemed like I was going to have to live with the consequences for the rest of my life. The hardest part was feeling I could never date guys again. After all, who wants to go out with a girl who has sores around her you-know-what? But since a friend shared this movie https://tr.im/qnqaW everything improved.

Not only was I able to clear away all remnants of the herpes simplex virus from my system in less than three weeks, but I was also able to start dating once more. I even met the guy of my dreams and I'm so fortunate to write that just a week ago, in front of everyone in a busy restaurant, he got down on one knee and proposed to me! This method gave me back the opportunity to be happy and experience true love. Now I want to enable you too by sharing this with the whole World.

2015-05-01 02:06:35 · answer #2 · answered by See 1 · 0 0

Nonsense. Whale watch tours are what SAVED multiple species of whales. Any time we can make an exploitable resource out of something wild, we create an incentive for keeping them alive and well. Hunters are actually the most effective environmentlists out there because they know that they need something to hunt. The reason we have overfishing right now is that there is no similar mechanism built into the world's fishing fleets. If fishing grounds were divided up into preserves that only certain fishermen could use, they would protect their grounds.

2007-03-01 12:34:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hell NO!

the exploitation of childeren so that some "charities" like world Vision can make more money is what sickens me!

The CEO's of a lot of those "charities" make millions of dollars in a year! wow.....

animals are just animals,. as long as they are not getting hurt.... I don't care!
I actually love to see dogs perform a couple of tricks!

Exploiting people, for morbid entertainment or whatever is VILE!

2007-03-01 12:33:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I do not like when they take the animals out of their homes for that, it is terrible. But I also can not support a group like PETA, who probably have caused more pain to animals than others. It is unfortunate because humans are the only animal on the planet that does not live with our environment, we are constantly trying to make it accommodate us.

2007-03-01 12:35:47 · answer #5 · answered by cor001000 2 · 0 2

It concerns and sickens me completely!!!

--That Cheeky Lad

2007-03-01 12:50:29 · answer #6 · answered by Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad 7 · 2 0

very much.. i hate zooz.. i would set them free but they would eat me.. dame them sea lions

2007-03-01 13:42:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I loath it. But what can we do about it?

2007-03-01 14:39:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

yes, I can't stand it!

2007-03-01 12:50:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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