Find yourself a hot black woman- and you'll forget all about it and be at peace.
2007-03-01 12:34:28
answer #1
answered by pavano_carl 4
Hmmm....yes. Why are you worried about what other peole do? Focus on your life not others.
We all have biases, no matter what our background. You have made the first step, recognizing your personal bias. If it TRUELY makes you uncomfortable to have these thoughts, then try to work on it. Explore why you have them? They are likely irrational, like "why would she pick a black man over me?" Fact is she doesnt even know you so was she really an option for you?.
Peo[ple like to claim ownership over the people they consider thiers..thats irrational. (In my experience I find black men and women do the same.)
You need to deal with your sexist attitudes also. White women dont belong to you and have the same right you do to choose thier own partners. And it may not be a rejection of you or the all white men on the planet, it might just be they care for this black man you see them with, or they may just be a friend or a coworker. A/nd if she does just have a thing for black men, why do you want such a closed mined person. Love knows no color really.
If you prefer white women, thats fine, there are plenty of white women out there for you.
2007-03-01 20:35:58
answer #2
answered by CHELLE BELLE 5
Yes you are a racist but people will treat you the same for being a racist so I guess you are even. You are just jealous because you couldn't say something catchy enough like a thug to get in some white girls panties.
2007-03-01 20:32:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
"Racist" means you think there are genetic differences between races. It has nothing to do with your feelings on interracial relationships. I don't like seeing white girls with black guys, either. I also don't like seeing fat guys with skinny girls or attractive guys with ugly girls or short guys with tall girls. Such mismatched couples are not at all attractive together.
Anyone who tells you that you are racist because you don't like seeing a pretty white girl with a black guy is just trying to make you feel guilty for your politically incorrect feelings. Such people use "racist" as a power word to hit you over the head with when you say something they don't like. Most people can't handle it when they meet someone who thinks differently than they do, so they'll try to appeal to your need for acceptance and validation by calling you a name that they think will have an impact on you. Most people are afraid of being labelled as "racist", so those people who make that accusation typically end up getting their way.
Well, you are entitled to your opinion no matter who agrees or disagrees with you. It's a free country. If someone calls you racist because they don't like your personal preferences, I'd say they are the intolerant ones, not you.
2007-03-01 20:27:51
answer #4
answered by Venin_Noir 3
I feel the same way only because.. I see single white moms with black men that have no jobs and suck up the womens job money or welfare. I have also watched my sister go through 3 of them and have a kid with each one and each one is dead beat. Now I am not saying she does not have part in it, but **** man it is a reaccuring situation between white women and black men relations. Not all of them, but most of them.
2007-03-01 20:32:48
answer #5
answered by sara w 2
Can I ask you a question? Why does it bother you so much? Would it bother you if that same pretty white girl where taken by another white man or even another woman? Either way, she's unavailable to you, so who cares who's she's dating. Just live and let live.
2007-03-01 20:26:33
answer #6
answered by My_Amira_Will 3
Yeah thats racist, but what if you saw a pretty white girl with a asian man, would it bother you then, or are you just prejudist a gainst black men?
2007-03-01 20:23:18
answer #7
answered by Tamra P 3
Sounds more like plain old jealousy to me. You probably are a little racist. Unless this bothers you, why not just embrace your flaw and move on with your life? Don't worry about the label.
2007-03-01 20:20:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Pretty much. But at least, on the plus side, youre being honest instead of being racist and denying it.
Acceptance is the first step to recovery.
2007-03-01 20:21:14
answer #9
answered by Jesus W. 6
Are you less bothered if she's an ugly white girl??? is pretty racist though.
2007-03-01 20:21:36
answer #10
answered by DukeBlue 2