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My family listens to many different genres and I find it disgusting that people would force some to listen to another genre and make them feel awful for being interested in another.

What's your take on pushing another genre of music on someone just because they don't like it?
I think that if you don't like don't listen to it!!! and DO NOT hate on others just because they don't like what you like. I listen to rap music and I don't have a problem with music like rock, metal, or classical music, just to name a few genres.

2007-03-01 11:34:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers


2007-03-01 11:37:52 · answer #1 · answered by Cheryl Durham, Ph.D. 4 · 0 0

Fortunately, my parents and I have enough stuff in common that we can listen to quite a bit of stuff and not argue about it.

Music is a very personal issue, and people have strong feelings about what they like. I say just turn it off around each other if somebody really hates something. Everybody should respect that people have different tastes--I guess the best thing to do is try to find some common ground.

Or play something you ALL hate, and then you can all hate it together! Wheeee! Family bonding!

2007-03-01 11:39:34 · answer #2 · answered by SlowClap 6 · 0 0

Here is what you need to do. Tell your family that you don't like their music and you only like your music. Tell them that you don't want to listen to their music and hope they understand. People listen to different kinds of music and they love different genres of music. This is the same for your family and you so try that out and see what happens.

2007-03-01 11:38:36 · answer #3 · answered by Josh D 6 · 0 0

I think it's horrible. I listen to reggae music and my husband's family listens to country so they don't come to our parties and things. It bothers me. I would like them to come to our daughter's parties and stuff but my daughter wants to listen to reggae and down here many people don't like country, so my husband's side of the family takes her other places so they can have their own party with her. As long as my daughter thinks my party is better, I'm ok with it.

2007-03-01 11:38:30 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I listen to rap,but sometimes listen to rock so.. who cares.

2007-03-01 11:42:18 · answer #5 · answered by Nicholais S 6 · 0 0

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