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I have the sims, hot date, and making magic, but when i put in the hot date cd it says put in the making magic cd. how do i get it to let me play hot date?

2007-03-01 11:33:27 · 5 answers · asked by Gabriella R. 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

5 answers

Don panic the makin magic disk is just the disk you need to work the sims dont ask me why i have no idea, lol but its what i do to
Now if you have installed hot date into your computer its already in there you dont need to put the disk in you have just upgraded your sims game no matter how many expansions you put in you only need the one disk to play you will be able to tell the expansion has worked by the new places, people, social interactions ect only things you can do on hotdate that you have successfully installed the expansion

2007-03-02 14:05:51 · answer #1 · answered by lily paige 2 · 0 0

It still lets you play Hot Date, it's just that all the memory is on Makin' Magic. That's what happens to me. When I insert my Sims:Deluxe Edition CD it asks for my Makin' Magic CD. Don't worry. You can still play it.

2007-03-01 14:02:06 · answer #2 · answered by Breanne M 7 · 0 0

You have to enter the disc of the expansion pack you've installed most recently. You're still playing Hot Date while you have Makin' Magic in the disc drive.

Expansion packs just add items to the game you already have. They want the most recent expansion pack's disc as a piracy-deterrent.

2007-03-01 11:43:00 · answer #3 · answered by calypso_suicide 2 · 0 0

since you've installed the packs, they all will run no matter what disc you put in.
however, the game has to be started up by the disc of the most recent expansion pack.
so, if you put in the makin' magic disc, you will get to play the same sims as if you were able to put in the hot date disc.
all the expansion packs start up when you start up the sims.

2007-03-01 11:49:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if u put in makin magic all ur syuff from hot date will be on makin magic

2007-03-01 13:55:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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