I have red bumps on my cheeks and a few under my eyes. They are not that small, not pimples, they kind of burn and itch when you touch them and they are spreading. I was at the doc yesterday and she kind of laughed it off. She said they are hormonal and that was the end of that. Has anyone else had these before during pregnancy and what can I do. I love my clear skin!! :)
8 answers
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
I did just switch my prenatals to a different brand... they started shorlty after that. Maybe I will give that a try.... I never thought of that. Thanks so much.
11:40:02 ·
update #1
i am also 27 weeks pregnant and i asked my dr today about a breakout that i have on my face. i have it around my nose (kinda on the bottom and on the sides) and i also have it at the bridge of my nose that goes onto my eyelids a little. mine has been there awhile now but not till i got pregnant and it kinda gets better but doesnt go completly away! mine are little bumps and the area gets red (especially if i mess with it)! i have other children and have never experienced this before but she said that she doesnt think its acne, she thinks its probably just a breakout from being pregnant! she said if it gets worse or doesnt go away after i have the baby she will put me on meds to clear it up. she told me for now to use cordizone (mispelled i think sorry)
2007-03-01 11:40:30
answer #1
answered by hello :-) 2
A friend of mine got a rash and it was due to her vitamins for some reason. She ended up having to eat the little kids Flinstone vitamins, but I don't even think that helped much. Sounds like you need a new doc.! what a jerk! I'm sure if she "laughed it off" it isn't anything major, but maybe try the thing with the vitamins. It may work. Our bodies are so weird during pregnancy!
2007-03-01 11:37:49
answer #2
answered by FreeTruth 1
This Site Might Help You.
Facial rash, 27 weeks and 4 days pregnant....?
I have red bumps on my cheeks and a few under my eyes. They are not that small, not pimples, they kind of burn and itch when you touch them and they are spreading. I was at the doc yesterday and she kind of laughed it off. She said they are hormonal and that was the end of that. Has anyone else...
2015-08-26 15:19:54
answer #3
answered by ? 1
Mask of Pregnancy:
What is this? "Mask of pregnancy" is also referred to as melasma and chlosma. Melasma causes dark splotchy spots to appear on your face. These spots most commonly appear on your forehead and cheeks and are a result of increased pigmentation. When you become pregnant your body produces more hormones, which causes an increase in your pigmentation. Nearly 50% of pregnant women show some signs of the "mask of pregnancy".
What can I do? To prevent "mask of pregnancy" from happening to you, you should wear a good sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 whenever you plan on being outside. You can also wear your favorite ball cap to protect your face from the sun. Your skin is extra sensitive, and the sun increases your chances of these dark spots showing up on your face.
A lot of woman have skin problems during pregnancy, I had PUPPPS with my DS but with DD I was fine all the way through.
2007-03-01 11:41:30
answer #4
answered by ChelYox 4
i have them now...im gonna be 28 weeks tomm...and i hear ya about the clear skin..i told my mom and husband that is looks like i have ring worm..b.c they are bright red and itchy and dry looking.ad under my left eye ..and when i asked the ob they said the same thing..she laughed too..and said its a part of pregnancy and will go away either before the baby is born or after..so i noticed washing my face twice a day is helping a bit...and i use johnson moisturizing baby wash...just make sure if they are spreading that bad go to a dermatologist.good luck and congrats..
2007-03-01 11:36:25
answer #5
answered by ~Ashley~ 5
Sounds like the mask of pregnancy. I haven't had it, I just have horrendous acne for my pregnancies. Try BabyCenter, they may have some good tips.
2007-03-01 11:50:52
answer #6
answered by Huggles-the-wise 5
yep i had that off and one wiht my first and it hasnt gone away, i had clear perfect skin before du to not wearing makeup ever and it sucks that now i all red and blotchy.
2007-03-01 11:52:26
answer #7
answered by cudybug 3
i don't want to scare you but i had that on my back and i had shingles. if they really start to burn go to the er and they will check you out and give you stuff for it.
2007-03-01 11:34:44
answer #8
answered by island_chick21 4