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Israel has proven itself time and time again to be perfectly capable of holding it's own - is it necesary that the US hovers over the shoulder of Israel ?

Why not let them defend themselves or carry out whatever foriegn policy they will without the US ?

What is it with America that it brags Israel is thier very capable friend and then rushes in to make sure they don't get a skinned knee ?

Let Israel alone to do it's thing Why not ?

2007-03-01 11:24:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Johnny Conservat...

They don't need you is my point -

It is similar to the UK deciding to protect China - China doesn't need it so why do it ?

2007-03-01 11:32:15 · update #1


I suppose you in the US are and were friends with Canada - We fought alone against the nazis from 1939 -

The concept of friends isn't foriegn is the concept of un needed foriegn to you ?

2007-03-01 11:34:04 · update #2

American Girl

And this never occured to you durring 2 wars when the tiny little England fought Germany by itself ?

Israel does not need you Why defend a nation capable of doing itself - Your spending and so forth is for a cause that should be handled by Israel not you .

2007-03-01 11:35:54 · update #3

19 answers

I think Israel is capable enough. It hasn't helped us at all, really.
Osama Bin Laden said the two main reasons for 9/11 were:

1. we are too much involved with Saudi Arabia

2. we were SUPPORTING Israel's genocide of the Palestinians

Israel's a strong nation, we're in enough sh*t already.

2007-03-01 11:29:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Well the Jewish in political matter in the US and Israel see profit, I see right through the politicians, its easy - confusion confusion and more confusion until the public believes every word they speak.
I tried this while reading news articles about Israel, when reading lets say it started like this "The Nazi Israel army is attacking its neighbors and shot dead 3 Palestinians and the Fuhrer Edmond Omelet has declared that the Nazi Israel regime is winning the terror war. Once you do this you will feel much more confident in there ability. But you must understand the US is there to protect Israel from Iran, in an imaginary way to make tons of money and who better in this world is better and more experienced in the money making field than the Nazi Israel regime. I call them Nazis because after watching footage of the German Nazis on the history channel then reading news articles about Israel raids on the west bank, to me it as if I were reading a 1944 story on the German Nazis.

Thanks David

2007-03-01 13:56:28 · answer #2 · answered by man of ape 6 · 1 0

Well, You're correct in assuming that Israel has proven itself able to defend itself in the past. However, you are assuming too much when you say that because they have defended themselves in the past, they can defend themselves in the future. In the past, the armies sent against Israel were either poorly planned or too small in numbers to defeat Israel. The question then becomes this: why, with Israel being the most hated country in the world, were all the attacks against Israel so poorly planned or so small?
Israel has a big brother. Israel's big brother is United States. Any country that attacks Israel is risking being attacked by United States. No powerful country wants that. That is why Saudi Arabia, with all its vast resources and hate for Israel has not attacked Israel once. Only the smaller weaker nations are willing to risk an United States attack. Why? For two reasons. First, smaller weaker nations don't have much to lose and therefore don't care if you bomb it. Second, they know that they're so insignificant among the powerful nations that United States wouldn't waste its time to attack it. Today, we've been looking for an excuse to invade Iran and Syria. If either of them attacked Israel and did enough damage, you bet your ass we'll throw our full arsenal at them. With the knowledge of United States having more WMDs, troops, supplies, and money than any other country in the world, what powerful nation would risk attacking America's little brother?
Now, there was one time back in 1976, when the Muslim people gathered a huge force and tried to attack Israel. Fortunately, it failed. Not because the Israeli Military was bigger or more powerful, but because the Muslim forces were poorly commanded while the Israeli forces were lead by geniuses. Because only the weaker nations with unorganized armies attacked Israel, Israel was able to outmanuver the Muslims. The Muslims kept their air force out in the open, not hidden at all and when they prepared to attack, they didn't bother to conceil their intentions. Thus, Israel was able to easily spot the air bases and bomb the hell out of them before the planes took off. The Egyptian Navy was likewise poorly conceiled and again was easily spotted and destroyed. The enemy troops were just as poorly concieled and commanded. The entire enemy force was destroyed in six days. It became known as the Six Days War. The force sent against Israel was large enough to wipe Israel off the map, but because it wasn't lead by powerful countries or smart men, it was easily thwarted.
Therefore, Israel has been able to defend itself not because it has such a large arsenal, but because no powerful nation has sent a challengable force against it. As mentioned earlier, no power nation has attacked Israel in fear of retailiation from the Americans. There are 36 Muslim nations in the world. Not to mention Russia and other Eastern European nations. Each of these nations utterly despize Israel. So if United States were to suddenly withdraw their support of Israel, do you think that none of these nations would attack Israel? These nations have been waiting for almost 60 years for the right opportunity to strike. U.S. withdrawing their support is the perfect opportunity. They will certainly attack. And with a much bigger and much better commanded and planned force. This will surely start World War III and doom us all, not just Israel. Say goodbye to the Holy Sites in Israel, for no nation could withstand the force of over 40 angry, revenge-seeking nations poised to attack.

2007-03-02 07:48:02 · answer #3 · answered by ender 3 · 0 0

Well talking in terms of religion Christians are supposed to protect the Jews at least that's what I heard of but politically,

Its easy to have Israelis as your friend than the Arabs because Israelis are more west leaning in a very important part of the world where oil is abundant.

Many of the American scientists, inventors and doctors are Jews and probably they have a major say in helping Israel.

Israel has the fire power but not too much money and they need the American money.

Israel needs more support because it is surrounded by enemies and very very few friends and the friends are uneasy friends.

Israel needs America because it needs a diplomat after using its firepower to justify itself.

2007-03-01 11:36:38 · answer #4 · answered by Xtrax 4 · 0 1

They do defend themselves. No American serviceman has died fighting for Israel, even though American servicemen were killed in the last Gulf War for the Kuwaitis who left their country while we were killed. American give substantial financial aid to Israel, but, frankly, we rely on the Israelis for intelligence in the area, and occasionally forbearance, as in when they were bombed with Scuds and were told not to respond so as to keep the Gulf war more contained.

2007-03-01 11:38:42 · answer #5 · answered by justa 7 · 0 1

One one hand, the US is a good friend of Israel, and on the other hand the US embraces terror kingpins like Abu Mazen, and holds Israel back from defeating her enemies, thus prolonging the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

2007-03-01 13:12:18 · answer #6 · answered by mo mosh 6 · 0 2

I thought I heard "WAWAWA!!!!!" from Israel after Israel got whipped big time trying to go into Lebanon

Somehow the terrorist were able to destroyed the US made tanks!!!

2007-03-01 11:40:35 · answer #7 · answered by Taco 1 · 2 0

Cuz our governent supports the real terrorists, israel, did u forget about how israel massacred a whole bunch of lebanese civilians in 2006 supported by the US

2007-03-01 11:34:12 · answer #8 · answered by JoseMaria G 2 · 3 2

now imagine your self in a boxing ring surrounded by five boxers and you know that you can beat any one if them alone because you know they are going to box. now imagine yourself in a swimming pool with five sharks you may be able to defend yourself from one , but its not the one you are defending that is going to eat you.
Seems like apedik is smarter than everyone else throw him a cookie please so his dic beater will close

2007-03-01 13:58:09 · answer #9 · answered by David D 2 · 1 0

Take a closer look at the weapons they're using while "holding their own". Chances are they came gift wrapped from the USA.
Without cash and weapons from the USA I'd give Israel five years at the most.

2007-03-01 11:31:58 · answer #10 · answered by I'll Take That One! 4 · 1 3

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