No. The "good ol' days" are a myth.
It's just nostalgia clouding your judgment about what things were really like in a "simpler time."
Modern medicines and surgeries, civil rights, women's rights, the Internet, worldwide communication and transportation...there are plenty of things to enjoy about right now.
Besides, if you want something simpler, you can get some solar panels and a composting toilet and live "off the grid." You can make things simpler right now if you want.
2007-03-01 11:35:10
answer #1
answered by SlowClap 6
Simpler? Well, if we lived in a simpler time, we would find it quite complicated if we didn't know what this time would be like, no?
2007-03-01 19:28:28
answer #2
answered by herbritannicmajesty68 3