Yes, he was a great president. Things were alot better when he was in the white house.
2007-03-01 11:21:24
answer #1
answered by catfan 5
You are being sarcastic right? Nothing against Clinton, I voted for him twice, but I definitely wouldn't say he was the greatest President every. I think he was a pretty smooth man and just tried to keep everyone content, which isn't always the best thing. I could certain name numerous presidents that were better. He's a socialite, but I like him. It would have been interesting to see many other Presidents face what happened on 9/11 and see what they would have done and how the aftermath would have been different. That is certainly something that shaped the current Presidents tenure. Anway, rambling again.
2007-03-01 19:19:31
answer #2
answered by straightup 5
No. He is considered somewhere in the middle. The truly great ones were Lincoln, both Roosevelts, Washington,& Jefferson.
Most of the rest are in the middle with a few at the very bottom too. Those at the bottom are Buchanan, Taylor, Pierce, Harding, Coolidge and the worst of the worst George W. Bush. It's what historians are saying.
Note: For the Reagan worshipers out there he is about dead center according to the experts.
2007-03-01 19:16:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Bill Clinton was O.K. but when he refused to kiss Israel's B___T they send in Monica and the US media to melt him
Carter is the best President since Kennedy
2007-03-01 19:21:04
answer #4
answered by Taco 1
Sure - getting BJs in the Oval Office by a White House intern, Perjury, Ignoring terrorism -- gotta be proud!!
2007-03-01 19:26:06
answer #5
answered by Jenny A_331 3
Most "rankings" put your boy Slick smack-dab in the middle -- right below George Bush Sr and right above Gerald Ford.
2007-03-01 19:23:05
answer #6
answered by BDZot 6
please ask him how he will react if 9/11 happen in his term if you want to compare him with Pres. Bush. his scandal brings shame to USA! He inherits a lot from the efforts of the previous presidents so his term is as smooth as ever!
2007-03-01 19:26:22
answer #7
answered by holyfire 4
NO! who cares about bud, MAN
2007-03-01 20:06:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
He may be better than Bush but he's far from being the greatest president ever.
2007-03-01 19:15:14
answer #9
answered by ♥Trinity♥ 4
And good Bud, too.
And he got the BJ's popular with kids.
Now even little girls are doing it.
Cool, man.
(It appears that most missed your question.... or me.)
2007-03-01 19:15:45
answer #10
answered by wolf 6