Women who are pregnant should not take ibuprofen unless their doctor, after discussing the risks and benefits, recommends treatment. Ibuprofen should be avoided during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy and it is contraindicated during the third trimester.
If ibuprofen is taken during the last trimester, particularly during the last few days before birth, there is a risk that labour may be prolonged. If ibuprofen is used close to the time of delivery, there is also the possibility that it may cause closure of the ductus arteriosus in the unborn child prior to birth and this may result in cardiovascular defects. Other potential problems for the newborn child include kidney problems and a reduced ability of the blood to clot.
2007-03-01 11:26:20
answer #1
answered by shaz 3
This Site Might Help You.
is it safe to take 200mg of ibuprofen while pregnant?
2015-08-16 21:25:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I drink a good amount of soda a day. Not sure how much exactly, but maybe 2 cans at most. But not EVERY day. I also drink coffee often, I crave it. With my first son I drank a 20oz bottle a day(sometimes 2), he was born 11 days late, weighing 9lbs 2oz, no diabetes. Perfectly healthy. Now he's 22 months old and a handful. lol I blame all the caffeine, but I love the way he is. This pregnancy(38 weeks into), I have an occassional soda here and there. The carbonation is really refreshing to me. And it quenches my thirst. I do however, drink a LOT of water, so I'm sure that helps a bit... Don't worry yourself too much.
2016-03-16 04:35:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Most doctors agree that acetaminophen, or Tylenol, is the best choice of pain reliever for pregnant women. While ibuprofen is not known to cause problems during the first and second trimesters, it is unsafe for women to take during the last three months of pregnancy. It has been shown to cause problems for unborn babies that late in development.
While pregnant, try to stick with Tylenol as your pain reliever. But if it doesn’t cure your aches and pains, it is probably okay to take ibuprofen as long as you are not in the third trimester of pregnancy.
2007-03-01 11:16:17
answer #4
answered by its me 3
No , ibuprofen is not allowed during pregnancy,
the only safe pain relief you can take really is paracetamol, or i think its called tylenol in America.
but to be on the safe side give your doctor a call and find out for sure, or even discuss it with a pharmacist.
2007-03-01 11:18:23
answer #5
answered by kimberley123 3
i have taken ibuprofen while pregnant...i was given it in the hospital. BUT it is not advisable. it can cause you to retain fluids AND after 28 weeks it is DANGEROUS because it can hinder some very specific heart development. tylenol is the safest to take....trust me i DO miss the ibuprofen tho!
2007-03-01 11:29:13
answer #6
answered by StinaMommie 3
No it is not safe to take ibuprofen while pregnant. Ibuprofin has aspirin in it and aspirin is a blood thinner. If you need to take something, take Tylenol. It is safe during pregnancy.
2007-03-01 11:16:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Going with what mostly everyone else said... Tylenol is the only pain reliever my doctor said I'm allowed to take while I'm pregnant.
2007-03-01 15:30:56
answer #8
answered by BDiPaolo413 2
I think ibuprofen can cause liver problems for the baby. But Tylenol (acetaminophen) is safe during pregnancy.
2007-03-01 11:15:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No, Tylenol (or a generic version) is the only pain med a pregnant woman can take.
2007-03-01 11:44:05
answer #10
answered by Carrie C 3