It's possible that the tech was wrong, but it's very rare. Also, many of the signs that people say mean you're having a girl rather than a boy are old wives tales and have very little basis in scientific fact.
If you want confirmation you could go to get a 4-D scan somewhere. I think they are getting more affordable, and that will give you a clear picture that will definitely answer the gender question.
Best of luck for a healthy baby.
2007-03-01 11:16:17
answer #1
answered by InAMoment 3
did they give you any pictures from your ultrasound? or a video? Usually there is at least one shot that will give you a pretty good view of what you are having. Three lines =girl, little turtle = boy. There are no physical signs of having a girl or a boy despite what you may have heard, everyone carries differently and while those wives tales may be a fun way to guess (gaining weight all over, carrying the baby low, sweet vs salty cravings etc), there is really nothing scientific about it. Of course ultrasounds can be wrong but from what i have heard, if they say you are having a boy they are right most of the time).Some options you have are getting another ultrasound done or even waiting a few weeks and getting a 3d ultrasound.
Dont worry, i know you want a little girl but having a boy is a lot of fun too.
2007-03-01 19:25:47
answer #2
answered by theburlaces 3
Ultrasounds are usually pretty accruate when they tell you that you are having a boy. If they told you that you are having a girl they can be wrong more often. Mistaken that it is the umbilical cord instead of a penis. But remember ultrasounds are never 100 percent right! You can't go by where you are gaining the weight. Everybody is different. Everybody told me that it looked like I was having a girl. The ultrasound showed a boy, and that was right!
2007-03-01 19:28:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
there's a possibility--especially if the doctor or ultrasound tech didn't get a good look at the fetus's private parts. but ultrasound pics are usually really accurate and the doctor/tech probably wouldn't have told you the sex if there was any doubt. there's nothing to the old wive's tales about where you gain weight with certain sexes and how you carry girls and boys differently. everyone thought i was having a boy the way i carried my baby and the way i gained weight--but she was all girl. so ... i'd say if they told you that you were having a boy--i'd say to start buying blue. congratulations!
2007-03-01 19:15:31
answer #4
answered by Manders 2
What signs are you talking about? I don't think any of the old wives tales are a better way to tell what you're having than looking at an ultrasound. If the ultrasound tech tells you you're having a boy, I'd bet you're having a boy. Despite what the "signs" are telling you.
2007-03-01 19:11:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes the technician can be wrong. That being said, most techs won't say unless they feel that they are positive of the result. Another thing is that at 23 weeks, you are almost 6 months along, and that is later than most people find out the sex. So it was probably pretty clear to the technician.
2007-03-01 19:12:47
answer #6
answered by its me 3
yes but probably not.. an ultrasound is a MUCH better indicator than any "signs" you are talking about.. surely you mean old wives tales, which have absoutely no basis in FACT. just pray for a healthy baby, until you've had a sick child you have no clue what a gift ANY healthy child is. you're not going to love a boy any less..
2007-03-01 19:12:42
answer #7
answered by Mina222 5
I guess it's possible but usually they don't guess wrong on boys. The penis is usually very clear. And there are no signs that you are having a girl. You carry different with every child, you cannot predict what you are having just by what your stomach looks like. I would say you are 100% having a boy.
2007-03-01 19:10:59
answer #8
answered by Good Gushy 3
they generally want tell you if there not sure until they get a second opinion I know when my 1st daughter had hers the tech told her she was going to write it down and let the doctor view it to make sure when he came in he did checked again then pulled her chart down and looked and told her it was a girl but she was only 16 weeks and he told her he would do another at 23 weeks to double check and said it was still a girl but a little boy is very obvious my second daughter is a boy and the tech showed us 1st thing.
2007-03-01 19:17:12
answer #9
answered by twister 2
Yes, it can be wrong. My friend in church had three ultrasounds and all three of them said she was going to have a little boy. She had her shower and everyone showered her with "boy" gifts. When the baby was born it was a little girl. All things are possible! If it is God's will for you to have a little girl...then you will.
2007-03-01 20:10:23
answer #10
answered by pmsajones 1