I wouldn't cheer because what if you fell. You could have a miscarriage and that could affect you in the future.
2007-03-01 11:02:08
answer #1
answered by almost there 3
You should not even need to ask such a question. A baby is a gift. DO NOT ABORT!
You are obviously too young to have a baby but you have already made the mistake of having unprotected sex - don't go making another one by even considering aborting it. Your baby should be first prioroty. Forget cheerleading (unless you decide to give up the baby for adoption, which is a better option than abortion). You cannot be selfish now that you have a little one inside you.
Hopefully you learn from your mistakes and don't re-commit them. ABSTAIN! or if you really can't help it and are just that desperate then at least use some kind of protection/birth control. Good luck.
2007-03-01 11:16:32
answer #2
answered by I want to help 3
That is VERY dangerous, many people who are not cheerleaders don't know what the physical demand is, but I was one. I don't think you should cheer especially not if you are at the top of the pyramid and pregnant.
By the time your tournament comes, it is likely that you will be showing and you will definatly be closer to your due date. You don't want to take chance of hurting the baby or yourself.
You may get tired easily and not be able to perform as well. If something went terribly wrong you could have a miscarriage. I think you should talk to your coach and your doctor and see what they say about cheering at that certain period in your pregnancy.
I think 3 months may be stretching it since it is a crucial time in the babies development. After 3 months abortions aren't perfromed ( I don't recommend them). If you aren't ready to sacrifice cheerleading for your child, then you should think about it now before you can't do anything about it.
2007-03-01 11:01:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You need to stop now. You are pregnant. You do not get to do selfish things anymore. What happens if you fall off the top? Also...no offense but if you are pregnant you will be showing in a few months. I really don't see judges giving awards to the team with the cheerleader with a baby bump.... sorry.
2007-03-01 11:34:17
answer #4
answered by autumnofserenity@sbcglobal.net 4
You need to stop! You risk falling and not only loosing the baby, but you could do damage to your own reproductive system.
Also, cheerleading is not a reason to 'decide to keep it or not'. You made this baby...if you dont want it, there are plenty of women who cant have babies that will adopt it!
Get on the pill and use a condom or next time you might get more than a baby....like an STD!!!!
2007-03-01 11:08:37
answer #5
answered by Hot Momma 4
i think the school athletic director should have the right to terminate you from the squad. The last thing your school needs is someone like you as a poster child in front of crowds at every school you perform at. If i were the athletic director i would cut you before parents who attend sporting events notice you and complain.
2007-03-01 11:13:03
answer #6
answered by JJ C 2
what's a few?
You will pop or show after as little as three months!
this isn't about you anymore....it's a baby....so if you decide to bring this child into the world, seek adoptive parents.....you seem too young and selfish (which you're supposed to be at this age) to start parenting a child. Unfortunately, you threw your opportunity to be the top of a pyramid away when you decided to have unprotected sex.
2007-03-01 11:06:03
answer #7
answered by miatalise12560 6
Are you serious????????
Obviously your too young to have a baby.
You have NO sense of responsibility AT ALL!
Your worried about cheerleading when you have another human life inside you??? Some people try for years to concieve a baby!
Get your priorities right little girl.
I have NEVER EVER said this to anyone but i honestly think should not have this baby. You are NO where near ready.
And by reading this i don't think you will be ready.
2007-03-01 11:04:17
answer #8
answered by Moz 4
Oh honey you are a woman now act like it. You get to change diapers while the rest of the squad gets to go to parties Oh joy don't that sound good
2007-03-01 11:39:36
answer #9
answered by twister 2
If you go to the top of the pyramid make sure there's plenty of boiling water and clean towels ready !
Seriously if your pregnant stop now .
2007-03-01 11:06:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous