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ok so like a couple days ago my friend did some flip in the hallway. so i wanted to try it myslef. so today in pe i got sent to the hall, and i got bord so i did a roundoff backhandspring in the hall. my friends saw me and started laughing cause it was funny to them. then she saw me and wrote me up. is it really that bad to do flips and stuff in hallways its not like we are going to fall were not that un experienced.

2007-03-01 10:48:08 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

ummm my brain told me it was fair thats who.

2007-03-01 10:52:50 · update #1

umm they were laughing cause i was being stupid and was supposed to be sitting and they saw me threw the window doing flips. ya its kinda funny, plus we were really hyper during that class. so everything was funny to us at that time.

2007-03-01 11:01:50 · update #2

ok fine the reason i got sent to the hall as cause i was being too loud. first me and my friends were in the back of the gym and laughing and crap while she was trying to talk. so she moved me and 1 other friend to the front rite nxt to her cause we were the ones making the most noise. then we kept on talking and lauhging really loud rite infront of her. so she got tired of me and moved me into the hall.

2007-03-01 11:04:55 · update #3

ya i did have a question about my friend doing flips in the hall, except she got suspended not written up. it wasnt the same teacher or same backhandspring either.

2007-03-01 12:57:55 · update #4

15 answers

Hahahaha! I noticed you didn't say WHY you got seperated from your friends to begin with; my guess would be because you were cutting up with your friends and not paying attention to the task at hand (your PE class). This shows a lack of respect for your teacher, which she doesn't deserve, and your education, which you need in order to actually succeed in this society. You were sent to the hall in order to think about your behavior and realize the consequences. You not only failed to do so, you decided to do what you wanted to do because "you were bord". You deserve to be written up.

By the way, it's spelled 'bored'. You might want to spend a little more time focusing on your education and a little less time trying to impress your friends with 'roundoff back handsprings'. Cheerleading will fail you if you have nothing else to back it up.

2007-03-01 10:58:53 · answer #1 · answered by shoujomaniac101 5 · 2 0

Well darlin, as you'll find out, life is not fair. But I don't think being written up was unfair. What if everyone did whatever they felt like doing. Imagine being in a hallway when two kids are dancing, one is singing, three are running around playing tag, and so on.
As we get older we realize that we just can't do what we want when we want. It's a part of the maturity process.
Calm down and accept the consequences of you actions. It's no big deal. After all, you didn't get kicked out of school did you?

2007-03-01 19:06:01 · answer #2 · answered by katydid 7 · 0 0

Doesn't sound like that big of a deal to me. So what, you got written up. Wooptie-scoop. It's not like it matters. Did it affect your life in any way? Did you hurt any one? No, so don't worry about it. And for the record, life isn't always fair. And no I don't think it's a big deal to do flips in the hallway. Next time, do them to and from classes to make your unfair life more interesting.

2007-03-01 18:57:01 · answer #3 · answered by Sa♪ah ツ 4 · 1 0

Well I'm assuming your really young since you didn't make full completion of your thoughts. I agree the hallway was not a place to do that, the school has liabilities they have to stick to to maintain a healthy standard for all the children.

When I was in school that would have been a 3 day suspention. ( went to a catholic school)

Life isnt fair sometimes, and we all have rules to follow. Its not ok to speed when driving even if your really good at it. same difference.

2007-03-01 18:55:43 · answer #4 · answered by tammer 5 · 0 0

life aint fair..... and u didnt u have another question about ur friend doing a flip in the hallway and getting written up?? if she did u will 2......

2007-03-01 20:50:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've seen some of your answers and questions, really, what is wrong with you. I know, by the way you're saying things, your mother doesnt discipline you. You need help, you need to grow up. You need someone to actually sit you down and have a 'reality check' talk with you. Tell me some good reasons why you act this way.

2007-03-01 19:29:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I can understand why you got written up for doing the flips. But you should've gotten written up! Maybe a warning? But maybe they don't know you're experienced. If you were unexperienced and got hurt, they'd get sued. But they took it 2 far!

2007-03-01 18:55:00 · answer #7 · answered by Millsberry Expert!!! 1 · 1 1

well i think u would know better than to do flips in the hall, but, i think it is unfair if your friend did not get in trouble too.

2007-03-01 18:56:03 · answer #8 · answered by Leela O 1 · 1 0

that's weird. i don't know. things like that happen to me too. but not the flips. did your friend get laughed at? if he/she didn't, that's totally not fair. but then if she did, it's kind of equal. but what i don't get is the part about why it's funny to them and why they laughed at you. were your underpants showing or something? i don't think so. that's not so nice for them to do that to you. maybe they're not your true friends. so in the end, it's not fair. you're right. it's not so bad to do flips in hallways. but be careful. you could hurt yourself. you could injure yourself or even kill yourself. it's true. so remember to be careful and remember that the hallways are hard and i don't think you want to hurt yourself. good luck in the future!

2007-03-01 18:56:22 · answer #9 · answered by xoxo11 2 · 0 3

In 8th grade.....and you did what?!
Don't tell me you missed the maturity class while "playing" in the hallway.

2007-03-01 20:02:01 · answer #10 · answered by rocky's here 2 · 0 2

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