I like it. Today at work this woman was staring... like, STARING at my breasts and even when I tried to talk to her she didn't look up for a couple of seconds. I didn't feel like a 'piece of meat', I felt like an attractive woman whose body was being admired.
I dress in pretty sexy clothes like mini skirts, tight jeans and lowcut tops a lot of the time, so I expect that I will be checked out. So what? If heads turn for you, that means you are attractive! You will never be interacting with these people again, so what's the problem?
If I have a serious relationship with someone and ALL they care about are my body and looks, well then there's a problem. But if I catch people looking me over at work or at the mall or out somewhere, I feel nice.
I'm asking this because today at work a group of women were discussing this issue... and they were very upset. To be honest, they probably don't get checked out very often coz they're old and frumpy and maybe feel bitter and jealous!
11 answers
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Society & Culture
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It depends on the person checking me out.. Normally, to be totally honest, I love it... but there are certain people, from the moment I lay eyes on them that have these creepy vibes and want to avoid them. But yea, for the most part, I love it
And thank you for being honest, most women wouldn't admit to it
Fonzie T, if I ever see you, I will remember that :), but you have to do the same for me lol
2007-03-01 10:38:58
answer #1
answered by Tina 3
Me too. I wear these loose jeans and gap t-shirts that rub my body in the office. So what if I'm a little over-weight and graying on the edges. And when I get home from work I like to wear my butt-huggers around the house with my socks on and watch my wife get all worked up. I truely am a sexy man...
2007-03-01 18:41:12
answer #2
answered by The Hero Inside 2
Lady, no female goes by a male and he does not see her! He NEVER misses one!
No male goes by a female and she does not see him! She never misses one!
That is the way NATURE made humans!
Too, in order to support new life, NATURE made every male to see every female in the context of making new life! PERIOD!
No female dresses to please another female!
Every female knows that the male is LOOKING!
That is the way nature made humans!
The male stops looking after his eyes close in death, and then his last word is DAMMIT!
The reason that females look at other females is because they compare the others offerings with theirs and imagines what the male will think about her or her plus and minus capability with the male!
Why are you so concerned about your body and who is looking? I bet you do not dress to hide one iota of it! A billion history books with a billion more stores have been written about you! Mouth poked out and full of red, each cheek of the butt talking to the other, "you let me up and I'll let you down". Nose up in the air, so high that the birds have to do a crash climb to keep from flying into it! But that is all OK; Nature made you and all females that way! Too, you and I both know, ain't no male going to pass you or any other female by and not see you! Nature made it that way!
Ain't that you are something special, there are over 6 billion females on this earth and they all get checked out by EVERY male the see/meets them. Too, their stuff gets chased just like yours does. Have you seen any place on earth that did not have a lot of babies running around and crying?
The only way a female does not get pregnant is Nature does not allow it (body not functioning correctly) or she dies!
So, you go on and strut your stuff, just keep in mind that you are NEXT! And, I ain't talking about getting on no airplane!
2007-03-01 19:02:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
HELL yeah! I think ALL guys would love it.
Only women seem to have this huge problem with it.
Hell, if I walked by a large group of hot women & they started kissing & cat calling ME, I'd be Reveling in it! :)
-Piece of meat
2007-03-01 18:38:49
answer #4
answered by Fonzie T 7
Altough I am a vegetarian,I don't mind being treated like a piece of meat.
2007-03-01 23:10:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes. I had it happen today by a woman, and thought it was really cool.
2007-03-01 19:09:40
answer #6
answered by quietwater 4
I use to.
But considering I am 50 years old I wonder why now!
2007-03-01 18:39:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It never happens, or so I feel - even though I'm mildly attractive in my opinion.
2007-03-02 00:18:24
answer #8
answered by that_guy 2
I see nothing wrong with your reasoning. i am a happily married man,i do it and my wife thinks it's funny.i am lucky to be married to a woman who is a adult!
2007-03-01 18:43:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yep and the guy who was checking me out became my husband!
2007-03-01 18:47:27
answer #10
answered by ? 4