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I know this may be a strange question but I am wondering.. Why is it that people say it is gross to have a bowel movement in a public restroom.. are restrooms there for the sole purpose of relieving ones self? I think it would be gross to relieve yourself in a location that was not a restroom.. for example a restaurant wall. I have been hearing a lot of people complaining lately that the bathroom smells.. I don't know what they expect a bathroom to smell like... but it all seems weird to me.

2007-03-01 10:21:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

No matter WHAT a person goes into a public restroom to do, it's not the sort of place you want to spend any amount of time. Most people, at least myself, can tolerate their own odors MUCH better than someone eleses. Public restrooms are LOADED with other people's germs and messes. Just because Im going in to pee doesnt mean Im ok with other people's pee being all over the place!! Haven't you noticed people are messy?? I know many females who will cop a squat rather than sit, and I KNOW that stuff is splashing all over the place. Frankly, your question puzzles me - as if it's OK for a public restroom to be disgusting. Eww.

2007-03-01 10:29:53 · answer #1 · answered by AnastasiaBeaverhousen 4 · 1 0

No, they are no longer extremely uncovered besides on account that maximum public restrooms have urinals that have aspects on them. So, it is not in all danger weird and wonderful in any respect. I attempt by no potential to apply a public bathing room in case of emergency. Who is familiar with how oftentimes or nicely they ever get wiped sparkling. i think of ladies persons have it alot greater durable on account which you may take a seat on those grimy issues !

2016-11-26 22:57:31 · answer #2 · answered by kidder 4 · 0 0

Well, at home when you go, only people that you're used to smelling you-know-what will be there.

Change that setting so that any stranger from off the street can, and it's a different story.

2007-03-01 10:35:04 · answer #3 · answered by Prideful 2 · 1 0

It is weird,an biological function we all have made so crazy.
We all put one leg in our pants at a time.You Know.

2007-03-01 10:27:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is difference between public property and personal property.
Hope you are a good reader between the lines.
Have a smile please.

2007-03-01 10:33:58 · answer #5 · answered by Dr.Qutub 7 · 0 0

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