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i cant sleep a night its even leg cramps or im up thinking about my stupid baby father and his dum actions. what could i do?

2007-03-01 10:20:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

5 answers

Hello, I used to get leg cramps when I was pregnant too. They say it can be a result of not enough fluids. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water. I used to carry a water bottle every where I went. Stretching before bedtime may help too. As far as the baby's dad, there's not much you can do but try and focus on what's best for you and the babe. You can't make anyone change, believe me I've tried, and constantly stressing isn't healthy for you or the little one. Maybe try doing something you find calming and stress relieving before bedtime can help get your mind off him. Maybe write your feelings down in a journal to express them, that always helped me.

2007-03-01 11:25:34 · answer #1 · answered by luvmybabies 3 · 1 0

I'm 28 weeks pregnant and I suffer from both the same problems. I usually take a nice hot bath before I go to sleep with a soap that makes my skin feel really nice. It comforts me. I also stretch my legs a little before I go to sleep that way I don't have to wake up with leg cramps. As far as my baby's father, I just try not to think about the negative and try to concentrate on the positive. I also pray for the strength to deal with him. Congrats on your pregnancy, good luck and God bless.

2007-03-01 18:43:21 · answer #2 · answered by Nyomi's Mommy 3 · 0 0

Try a nice bath before bed, not hot but warm...this will relax you and your muscles. If you don't like bathes then do a shower, but the heat will lossen your muscles for the cramping .

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2007-03-01 18:39:47 · answer #3 · answered by ChelYox 4 · 0 0

ugh..honey, im with you. Im 26 weeks and feeling the same way. nights are so stressful because theres no way to get comfortables, I get leg cramps all the time, and am so tired and moody all the time! ah the joys of pregnancy! lol. but it makes it all worth it to feel my little boy moving around and hear his heartbeat and stuff like that. just cant wait until he's here!

2007-03-01 18:42:12 · answer #4 · answered by mrsbroyles2003 2 · 0 0

I hope you are under proper care by a doctor and if so would discuss this with him/her if I were you. And it is rather late to think about the stupid actions of the past isn't it? No use. Relax.

If your doctor is unable to help you, pl. try tissue remedies (sort of homeopathy) by visiting:


2007-03-01 18:31:37 · answer #5 · answered by Swamy 7 · 0 0

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