they may wanna buy it!
2007-03-01 10:14:19
answer #1
answered by TheApocalypticOrgasm 6
I'm thinking that you recently moved to your home in the last few months or so?
If so, there may be another house near you that is similar in design or size that is going up for sale. It is not uncommon for a Realtor to base the selling price of a home on the selling price of similar homes in the area.
Or as another answerer mentioned, someone may be interested in your home to purchase.
I have heard of buyers ringing doorbells of recently purchased homes and offering a price that cannot be refused. Many times it is a school or business in the area that they need to be close to.
My daughter's neighbor purchased their home about six months ago. Last week the man who was raised in that home (30 years ago) offered them 20% more than they originally paid for the house. They took the offer and are already looking for a new home.
Someone may simply like the bushes or flowers, or the color of your home and took a snapshot for duplication.
2007-03-01 10:23:27
answer #2
answered by ceetee 3
1. Private investigator
2. Liked the house, want a picture of the paint scheme
3. Your house is famous b/c someone was murdered in the master bedroom or something.
4. They used to live there and want a pic for the scrap book.
Those are four possibilities.
2007-03-01 10:15:41
answer #3
answered by mufflerbearings1967 3
It could be any number of reasons.They could be just curious as to how to build a house like it, Like the front door and windows scheme, Or just like taking pics.
On the other hand, They could be planning something that could put you and your family at risk. Id suggest that you try and catch who it is, have the police watch the house, or get a pic of the car and license plate number
2007-03-01 10:18:43
answer #4
answered by Shadow 1
Maybe they are doing an appraisal on a house in your neighborhood. People have appraisals done when they apply for mortgages, and the appraisals usually include one or two similar houses in the same neighborhood just for comparison.
2007-03-01 10:18:23
answer #5
answered by Jacqueline M 5
my friend was having a house built and took pictures of a bunch of diffrent houses she liked to get ideas for her's
2007-03-01 10:17:30
answer #6
answered by Kini 3
A stalker....
Or someone may like to buy or build a house like yours
Just be careful...
2007-03-01 10:16:37
answer #7
answered by ♥ Jess ♥ I dream, I wish, I love 3
If you're on disability, it's the insurance company's PI out to prove you're faking.
2007-03-01 10:15:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
is your house still in the realty section of the newspaper? does someone like it? do you have a stalker?
2007-03-01 10:14:44
answer #9
answered by Mir3lla 3
maybe your house used to belong to someone who cannot let it go! Or it's haunted?
2007-03-01 10:14:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
They're going to rob you.
2007-03-01 11:20:17
answer #11
answered by Lord Vader 2