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In other words, do you believe that the government or whomever, doesn't want us, the people, to get a higher educations, is that why in certain places they pay teachers less and make students pay more to go to school? I want to be educated more, but we have very little teachers in schools and the tuition has gone up in the past couple of years. Why?

2007-03-01 09:39:30 · 2 answers · asked by Become a better person 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

No, I think an elected government wants to limit how much taxes they collect so that they can get elected next time.

Education is expensive.

2007-03-01 09:44:41 · answer #1 · answered by rostov 5 · 0 0

an informed citizenry threatens power. When you have time, do a comparison of school curriculum. The best schools teach innovation whereas 80% learn how to read and follow instructions. You can google this sometime...nice question.

2007-03-01 17:46:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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