I'm in 5th grade.
Stop the cruel hunting!
Have you seen the world around you? Poachers dieing to hunt animals for the dollar, people killing dear…This is not acceptable! Don’t you agree?
In class, we looked at an example. I was completely offended.
We’re “innocent” humans? Uh, No, sad as it may sound, we are very absent-minded. We are allowed to kill mountain lions because we wanted to jog there and these lions are desperate to find something to eat? We kill animals for pleasure!
We’re the ones who pick on sad little bugs and build factories and stomp on innocent ants for pleasure. We’re the ones that kill cows, pigs, bunnies, and dogs for that feast. We’re the ones that pollute our area! Look around, poor people on the streets when nobody cares. Billionaires and even us who barley chips in a cent.
For our “fun” We buy video games (which wastes electricity!) Chips, Pop, all the junk that we need to “survive!” witch is actually making us fatter and unhealthy when that money could go to amazing use! Here’s the thing…
Why can’t we jog somewhere else? We’re the only ones who carelessly poison the earth and waste money on things that we need to “take pleasure in” And when all the people who really need help, poor people, and even endangered spices, it’s too “costly!” Are chips more important than our earth and other spices that do nothing to us!? Those mountain lions and deer deserve a BIG bite out of all of us!
If we all combined some of the money they spend on junk we could buy millions of helicopters to drop off meat from dead animals that died from old age onto animals’ habitats for a nice meal. Why don’t we leave them alone and live somewhere else. Why do we get to attack living animals for a meal when they can’t to us? We can all work together! If we leaved them alone and fed the animals and spent the extra money on things that helped, we could all live happily. We humans need to sharpen up. Ban the hunting forever and make donating a part of every lifestyle!
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Society & Culture
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I hope you like it! I'm 10 years old so don't be too harsh!
09:19:33 ·
update #1