some people dont want prostitutes kicking it in their neighborhoods, and some dont want it period due to morals standards.
i think making zones where it is legal is the best answer, since people are gonna do it anyways, and it'll keep it outta family neighborhoods
personally i dont care what happens with that, except for the fact i wouldn't want it happening where my kids are. i dont wanna take them to disneyland and see a bunch of streetwalkers walking around.
2007-03-01 09:19:44
answer #1
answered by tkim90 2
interior of sight individuals are interior of sight to the Americas, subsequently the call. You do understand that one and all human populations hint returned to a founding team in Africa precise? Europeans are indigenous to Europe because of the fact human beings unfold into that section and that they tailored to that climate and became White Europeans. The ancestors of the two interior of sight individuals, Asians and Europeans all pass returned to a single inhabitants that had unfold into southwest Asia. The branch of human beings that made their way into the Americas tens of hundreds of years in the past have been the 1st team in that hemisphere. for this reason, they are indigenous to those lands. this is not any longer a complicated concept to understand. and what's this "to the victor" stuff even advise? There are 500+ tribal international locations that still exist in actuality, and local individuals serve in the U. S. armed forces on the utmost fee of any ethnicity in this u . s . a ..
2016-10-02 05:22:32
answer #2
answered by ismail 4
It's not the oldest proffession. Don't you watch How I Met Your Mother? Fishing is. And anyway, is it fair for a woman to make money off of wrecking homes? No.
2007-03-01 09:17:20
answer #3
answered by Ariana 4
Because America is still a very religious and purist country. Those bibleriders would never allow such a thing
2007-03-01 09:23:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
for the record, prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas...which, by the way, is not a "state".
2007-03-01 09:16:53
answer #5
answered by Munya Says: DUH! 7
Prostitution isn't the worlds oldest profession; tailoring is; think about it.
2007-03-01 09:20:09
answer #6
answered by tinker46139 4
i agree...did you see penn and tellers bull**** about this topic? we could totally regulate it and tax it and everything would be cool, and a lot less people would get sick or hurt.
did you know that the catholic church had a brothel for a long time back in the day?
2007-03-01 09:17:20
answer #7
answered by elfkin, attention whore 4
The Feds won't make legal that which they cannot control.
2007-03-01 09:16:53
answer #8
answered by NakasEvilTwin 6
because by keeping it illegal, our "moral" "leaders" get to pretend it doesn't exist.
it also keeps women in that trade from controling their own bodies - they become pawns of pimps, cops, lawyers, etc - all traditionally male professions.
2007-03-01 09:18:02
answer #9
answered by kent_shakespear 7
and I happen to LOVE Vegas...
good question..probably because of all the damn politicians ...
2007-03-01 09:17:30
answer #10
answered by jipsyleo1967 2