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5 answers

you did! Just kidding. Nothing really out of the ordinary so there's really nothing for me to put down here, I try not to get too bothered by what happends to me.

2007-03-01 09:16:56 · answer #1 · answered by Suzy Suzee Sue 6 · 1 0

This car swerved from one lane to the fourth lane of the freeway with no indicator lights. he kept this up for a while. he was also speeding. He got off at his exit and sailed along his way.

However, another car going about 35 miles in the second lane was pulled over by the police.....

I was so upset that they were going to give that person a ticket. Where were they when the person was driving erratically?

2007-03-01 17:16:54 · answer #2 · answered by Sweed I 2 · 0 0

The waiter waited till I had almost finished my meal before he offered to fill my glass again. I couldn't summon him because he was no where to be found. Sorry service and the meal was over rated.

2007-03-01 17:22:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a client who is notorious for not paying on time was showing signs that she will stall on an upcoming billing too. GGRRRR

2007-03-01 17:16:34 · answer #4 · answered by dali333 7 · 0 0

i farted and passed out from the fumes. when i woke up my car had crashed into a diner. oy vey, talk bout life having surprises.

2007-03-01 17:19:01 · answer #5 · answered by andrew 2 · 0 0

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