Make a little trail of sugar from your house to your neighbor's house, they will follow.
2007-03-01 08:42:20
answer #1
answered by CharlotteDenee 2
Odorous house ants typically live in the walls. Doing things like spraying raid will only stress the nest and make them divide it. So over time they will begin showing up in other areas of your home. Ants are not attracted to your home because of unsanitary conditions. they are atracted mainly for moisture but also because everytime they move they are leaving a scent for the other ants to follow. So they are tained to come in your home once they have started. The best thing is to hire a professional because they understand behaivior and biology of the ants.They use products and methods that the average homeowner does not have access to. If you decide to try it over the counter there are a ouple things you can try but they will only help you for now not forever. 1. You can try mixing very little boric acid with a carrierr like applemint jelly. Do not use to much boric acid or it will only kill the worker and not solve your problem.. 2% boric acid to 98% carrier product would be best. You can also buy a product with the active ingredient of deltamerthrin. treat the outside foundation of your home and points where you see them trailing. If you have satalite colonies in your walls which most people do than it will be a matter of time before you need to call a pro. Good luck
2007-03-01 09:36:22
answer #2
answered by stanjr01 2
First find out where the nest is, then lure then outside with a trail of sugar. Destroy the nest, you can use ant powder or spray, or boiling hot water with some bleach. Clean everywhere with bleach because it will destroy any trails that are left so they will not come back into the house.
Kill the ants that are going for the sugar outside using one of the above methods and then make a fresh trail of sugar leading to ant powder in case you have missed any of them. Jam works as well but if you put sugar down in your house it is easier to sweep or hoover up afterwards.
Good luck.
2007-03-02 22:38:00
answer #3
answered by Jo H 4
First clean your house. Get any traces of food that will attract ants out. Keep it clean. If you like cucumbers the peels will burn the feet of the ants. they can be placed in the ant trails and the ants won't cross them. Sprinkle cayenne pepper around windows and door openings-it too burns the feet of the ants and they won't cross it. These are VERY cheap ways to get rid of the unwanted little pests!
2007-03-01 09:05:59
answer #4
answered by Maggie P 3
Purchase some 'Diatomaceous Earth' at the local nursery or home store. Sprinkle that all around the foundation. It gets rid of ants and all kinds of bugs. It's actually made from ground up sea shells or something like that and acts like glass shards for ants and bugs. They won't last for long around it.
2007-03-01 08:43:26
answer #5
answered by mustanger 5
I have ant problems too. I no longer use toxic sprays. We have indoor pets, and in our yard I don't want to use anything because we have lots of wildlife.
You don't have to be UNCLEAN to get ants. The little buggers are showing up all over my house and yet they're not in my trash, not in my cats food, not in the pantry, not around the toilet....
I'm using chalk (as you see someone posted) and baby powder. They hate it and I can put one or the other pretty much anywhere I need it. Indoors or out.
My pet sitter showed me that you can take chalk and mark a line around the cat's food. I have it around my trash can under the sink. I use baby powder around the trash cans outdoors. It works for me!
2007-03-01 09:37:36
answer #6
answered by K.B. 4
Try to identify their main route. Put down small squares of paper with drops of NIPON (from good hardware/garden shops) on.
Leave overnight.
It's much neater than using powder. The ants love Nipon and gather around and nibble the sticky drops.
Takes a few days and you will have to renew the drops and add more papers as you discover their routes. They don't die immediately, they take it back to their nest and it kills the colony. It works.
Don't get it on your hands, carpet or wooden floors.
2007-03-01 08:40:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We just had this problem. There is a Raid made that is from plant extracts so it is more environmentally friendly and doesn't have the noxious fumes the regular Raid or other sprays may have.
Also you can buy ant traps that will help.
2007-03-01 08:39:20
answer #8
answered by Brn_Eye_Grl 4
i pour boiling water over ours then spray some ant powder around the holes where they are getting in
they are a pain in the bottom tho eh
2007-03-01 08:37:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Pour salt in their territory. Ants hate salt.
2007-03-01 08:39:58
answer #10
answered by briggs 5