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I'm only a high school freshman, but my senior friends have mixed emotions about leaving high school behind.
I feel that I can't relate to them because I never really had to say goodbye before.
How do they feel?

2007-03-01 08:23:01 · 7 answers · asked by Jacques 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

They just feel weird because it's the first time in their life that they will be leaving a group of people they've known most of their life and they may never see them again. It's exciting because the school year is over and everybody is always happy when summer vacation comes but it's scary because you know you won't be coming back in the fall. It's just a major change and it feels really strange to know that you won't have that familiar routine anymore. I hated school and I couldn't wait until graduation but I had that scared feeling of 'Oh crap, now what am I going to do?' I ended up taking a year off after high school before I went to college because I had no clue what to do with myself anymore. I didn't really want to go to college anyway.

A lot of people are sad because they know they may never see certain friends again. I didn't really care about that since I knew I'd still call people if I cared that much about it. Since I graduated, I've only kept in touch with 2 people and I'm fine with that. I do remember having a feeling like I was leaving my old life behind and that I was being forced to start a new one. It's a feeling of responsibility that I didn't really want to have. When you're a senior, you start to realize that you will soon have to make a lot of decisions that you've never had to make before. When you're growing up, you know that every day/year you are forced to get up and go to school and you just do what everyone tells you to do and it's easy and predictable. Once you graduate, there's really no one left that can 'make' you do anything and even though that should feel great, it can be scary.

2007-03-01 08:37:19 · answer #1 · answered by Pico 7 · 0 0

it's scary but fun i loved my graduation i didn't cry until 2 days later but i just miss my friends and the good times but in college you can find those lifetime friends that can last forever i graduated 2006 but i'm going to the air force i've never really got attached in high school so i don't miss it much i'm looking forward to being in the air force it's scary if your not prepared

2007-03-01 16:35:30 · answer #2 · answered by Ashli L 3 · 0 0

like the beginning of a new life, after the trials and tribulations of high school.

2007-03-01 16:26:29 · answer #3 · answered by Orlando Knight 3 · 1 0

Go to college or join the military.

2007-03-01 16:26:11 · answer #4 · answered by namloc n 1 · 1 0

i really hope i graduate. i just wanna get outta this stupid school. i hate going here. but once i graduate, then i just start the rest of my life, which wont really be anythin but just work.

2007-03-01 16:29:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it just means you have moved from one state in hell to another

2007-03-01 16:26:34 · answer #6 · answered by s l 2 · 1 0

It means, LET'S PARTY!

2007-03-01 16:27:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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