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I've been becoming more and more depressed about the world today. It's all about money and material wealth and nobody takes the time to care about anyone. War, murder, gambling, prostitution, poverty, homelessness, porn, rape, theft, drugs, tobacco smoke filling the lungs of children, starvation, suicide, depression, medication, lawsuits, STI's, obesity, etc... It just seems like there's nothing good left in the world... Am I the only one who thinks so?

2007-03-01 07:55:10 · 4 answers · asked by tRuE_rOmAnTiC_@_HeArT 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

I get to feeling that way these days. Especially when you think about the fact that every forty seconds, a woman is raped, as opposed to every 2 minutes in 2000. That's a big difference. But you gotta step back and say to yourself, are you going to let it bring you down? Because in the end, we're only hurting ourselves, yanno? so cheer up if ya can :)

2007-03-01 20:39:15 · answer #1 · answered by High On Life 5 · 0 0

It does look bleak, but there are also positive signs and developments. I believe humanity's going through its Dark Night of the Soul, where all the negativity has come out and long-held secrets are exposed. It's a process of transmutation, as we move into a new world. It's up to everyone to bring that about. Too many people have waited too long for a savior to appear. Read the book: "In Search of a Perfect World" for more on this.

2007-03-01 08:45:57 · answer #2 · answered by Cochise 1 · 1 0

guy brought about a majority of those issues to happen, no longer God. anybody says those questions approximately god permitting or inflicting stuff to happen. comprehend that their is evil and the devil is what motives evil interior the worldwide. God gave us the loose will yet in addition gave us the learning that if we lived consequently we does no longer have discomfort and suffering interior the worldwide. conflict, prostitution, homicide, rape, perversion etc. are all sins and the bible describes why there are absolutes and why sin has a unfavorable consequence. I genuinely don't be responsive to each and all the solutions how all illnesses started yet we brought about lots of them to happen to ourselves. Sexual illnesses. The nutrition we consume as we talk has prompted diabetes and cancers. The nutrition we consume additionally has been shown to reason psychological subject concerns and rigidity (brought about by skill of guy) is what triggers psycological subject concerns. we are unfavourable our planet and now pollution and radiation is affecting us and unfortunetly its going to worsen. i do no longer blame god for those issues, I blame people for the sins they devote that influence others negatevely and the wear people are doing to the planet thats inflicting injury to us. Our worldwide could properly be plenty greater advantageous as we talk if guy did no longer screw it up.

2016-09-30 01:54:22 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This has been happening all throughtout history, there has always been wars, suicides, homelessness, rape, theft, poverty... etc.., the world isnt going downhill, its just staying the same as its always been, its never changed.

2007-03-02 13:55:23 · answer #4 · answered by Silverblade444 1 · 0 2

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