Terapad Its realy easy to use and has loads of free features such as CMS, forums, shop, analytics, blog, photo gallery. You might get some inspiration by looking at what other people are doing with their free sites : http://www.terapad.com/net . There are quite a few small businesses on there.
My tip would be to set up website only, instead of blog and website, then you will have the static pages that are more common for businesses.
Good luck !
2007-03-01 21:31:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You can get your feet wet by using a free web site host that has tools with which to build a web site. Just Google "free web site" and you will see many. Some of the more popular ones are Angelfire and Bravenet. Later you might want to get around the limitations of these providers and do it on your own. It's much easier than many people think.
I would recommend you eventually get Microsoft's Front Page and get a good teaching reference book to go with it. To get a Domain Name (www.mybusiness.com) you need to register your desired name. Then, after you design a site, you need a host (the computer that will store your site and make it available on the Internet). Both of these thing can be done for about $40-50 per year. I reccommend www.godaddy.com for both
2007-03-01 07:43:47
answer #2
answered by Pete 4
my answer will be string somehow but that is my answer
sign up for free website in this website
during the process of registeration the website will give you alog of great website for business you can choice one of them
after you choice the sutibel one for you will will have the website
and you have very simple tools inside your account to fix the website as you lik
modife your pages as you like after that save it in your harddask
after that upload it in your own offical website and delete free one
long process isn't it
ok ok
if you need to have very simple website you can use
just open an account and start to make your websites
third way is to pay some money for someone working in IT section because your website will be your window to the world
i hope these informatin give you the answer you were looking for
2007-03-01 08:01:29
answer #3
answered by Ask_Answer_Discover 1
You did no longer precisely word it in question sort, yet i would be chuffed the enlighten you on why conservative regulations are risky to small companies in any case. the foremost reason listed under are the enormous companies, the companies. The Republican social gathering very much favors those companies by utilising claiming that by utilising no longer taxing them as they could desire to they do no longer seem to be "over-taxing". in actuality, they are in simple terms leaving those taxes for the middle classification. The Republican social gathering is continuously attempting to cut back employer regulation, which finally ends up in great agencies being waiting to thrive off of saving loads of expenses by utilising having extremely-secure, extremely-criminal working situations. meanwhile, the small companies can no longer even raise their ft off the floor because of the fact the enormous companies have the money which provides them the earnings in our plutocratic society to regulate the mass industry with the aid of commodities and merchandising. finally, with each and all of the room Republicans provide companies to in basic terms pass and do notwithstanding they desire without dealing with any form of regulation on secure practices or employees rights and paying minimum taxes, the small companies are suffocated out till now they could even create a attractiveness for themselves.
2016-10-02 05:10:26
answer #4
answered by ? 4
You've got a service provider... Find a hosting company and register your domain. Then set up your hosting service with the hosting company and you've got yourself a server. Now all you have to do is design your website, post it to your server, and voila', instant website.
2007-03-01 07:35:29
answer #5
answered by Peanut 1
many options for it...
but first of all u shud have atleast knowlege of eithr of the followin
*any editor like microsoft frontpage, dreamviewer..
there are platforms given for free uploadin of ur webpage..
google n yahoo both r hitlist in dis....
so first u can try ur hand ovr it n den can go proffesional site...
if u hav prior knowledge to dis den go for registeration of ur domain ... n hav it all set !!!
2007-03-01 07:39:24
answer #6
answered by tanvi.10v 1
i would get a domain name, one that supports ftp.
then i would get dream weaver and make my site using
dream weaver, all you need to know is the basic and no
HTML knowledge is required, there are preinstall templates.
2007-03-01 07:39:15
answer #7
answered by jrboy_2005 3