Happiness means different things to different people. I think if you look closely underneath everything all anyone wants to be happy is simple: to love and be love
2007-03-01 07:30:08
answer #1
answered by silentwriter16 2
you're face extensive problems yet you're able to not nevertheless think of roughly dying, why? in view which you don't comprehend the place you're heading to in case you probably did, you suspect which you're saving your self by potential of committing suicide yet have faith me it fairly is somewhat the different and in case you probably did there is not any turning returned, in case you look interior the existence of each and every individual you will discover them passing by potential of perplexing situations even yet it on no account lasts, all human beings's existence has the coolest and the undesirable and now you're passing by potential of the undesirable time in basic terms. If all human beings who had exceeded by potential of a unfavorable time chosen to not stay then we would have already been long gone a protracted whilst in the past. between the few issues i'm confident approximately is that on each and every occasion one is far off from his God he does not have an uncomplicated existence, i'm telling you this and you are going to be able to forget approximately me all what you like yet in view which you think of which you have seen adequate of this international then why not provide it a attempt to bypass to God good now, cry to him and ask him for help and that i'm extra desirable than specific that he won't show you how to bypass.
2016-10-17 01:02:17
answer #2
answered by ? 4
To realize that I am the happiest person on the planet, right now.
2007-03-01 08:14:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I would need to know that I am doing things right.
I would need to know how to solve my problems and have the power and resources to effect the solutions.
I would need enough money to render so called "money problems" null and void.
I would need a purpose I understand and agree with.
I need to be respected and have people I can respect.
I need to know that I am truly worthy of love and to love someone truly worthy of me.
I need to know that my family have all all the same things I wished for myself above.
I would need to be able to forgive better, so that I feel less affront and spite.
I would need to be forgiven my mistakes.
I would need to know what my mistakes really were.
2007-03-01 07:40:29
answer #4
answered by morrowynd 7
If you mean, personal?
It would be to get together, right now, with my husband, sons, daughters in law and grand-children having a wonderful time together, playing, laughing, smiling, hugging and, of course eating a delicious meal.
2007-03-01 07:32:06
answer #5
answered by Vovó (Grandma) 7
To have all my money troubles go away. I don't want to be rich, I just want to have a better paying job where I can live comfortably and still have money to do fun things
2007-03-01 07:31:27
answer #6
answered by ~♥The Hon♥~ 2
To have no more struggles in life.I have had a lot of struggles in my life and it has been a long hard road at times.To also have my mom and dad still living.
2007-03-01 07:35:58
answer #7
answered by Nancy M. 4
To go home and curl up with my husband in bed. He works nights and I go to school during the day, so I can never just lay next to him any more.
2007-03-01 07:34:42
answer #8
answered by Kharm 6
Losing 25 lbs. & having 20 million dollars burning a hole in my pocket!
2007-03-01 07:32:54
answer #9
answered by napqueen 6
Communion with the Creator or enlightenment
2007-03-01 07:28:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous