Could be the beginnings of your period. Many tests today can predict within a 99% margin whether or not your are pregnant within 24 hours of. But, contrary to what people think, it's actually hard to GET pregnant. Think about it: You ovulate 1 day in every 28; only around 15% of the sperm a guy shoots actually make it past the cervix, and then only a percentage of that make it to the egg, IF it's there; internal conditions can stop the process before it's actually amazing that we are as populated as we are, considering that our bodies tend to reject foreign entities, like the Y chromosome. I know more people (my self included) who ended up getting pregnant when they weren't thinking about it. Stress can delay your cycle, which can throw everything off and make it harder. So stop thinking about it, stop worrying about it. It will happen when it happens, not before.
2007-03-01 07:22:42
answer #1
answered by Melissa M 2
Those are symptoms of pregnancy but they also may be caused from something else, it's impossible to tell for sure right now. The earliest a pregnancy test will be accurate is right beore your period is due. You can take an early results pregnancy test (like First Response) a few days before you expect your period (up to 5 days before) and possibly get a positive if you are pregnant. However, if the result of this test is negative and you don't get your period as normal then you should retest because it may have just been too early to detect the hormone. Since everyone is different it's hard to say when the exact 1st day you can test is. Best Wishes!
2007-03-01 07:14:14
answer #2
answered by Amanda 4
I would wait at least a week before my period to test with a preg. test some can tell then. But the craps are more then likely form not being pregnant
2007-03-01 07:28:28
answer #3
answered by Debbie 3
You can do a pregnacy test on the day your period is due, oh and dont be fooled with the most expensive kind mine cost £3 and was spot on! Got it from Lloyds Chemist. Fingers crossed for you! Stomach cramps no idea, maybe a sign, but maybe period pains too.I had those and never came on, symtoms went within a couple days....All the best
2007-03-01 07:16:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Ebay have some early prediction tests you can get about 10 with p+p for less than £5. Good luck
2007-03-01 08:19:06
answer #5
answered by toptottyteresa 1
2 weeks after the fertilisation of a baby normally takes within 2 weeks 4 of march
2007-03-01 07:19:45
answer #6
answered by silkyladyxxx 2
wait until your period is a week late or take an early result test that will pick up HCG 4 or 5 days sooner than your missed period.
2007-03-01 07:15:47
answer #7
answered by ? 2
Wait untill a missed period. If you cant wait that long then atleast wait a couple of weeks and have your doctor run blood work on you...
2007-03-01 07:12:36
answer #8
answered by auntietawnie 4
with a clearblue test u can find out 4 days before ur period is due. Good luck hope it goes well x
2007-03-01 08:08:30
answer #9
answered by princess 79 1
Wait until you miss your period to take the test
2007-03-01 07:13:09
answer #10
answered by Chewie 7