im 14 and 5'8. im taller than both my parents by a couple of inches and my entire family. (my parents are about 5'6) I haven't grown since last summer. Will i break that 6'0 mark?
20 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Adolescent
im a guy in case you were wonderin
11:43:14 ·
update #1
i have grown actually about half an inch since last summer
12:32:55 ·
update #2
just measured myself and i;m now almost a quarter inch taller.
12:46:00 ·
update #3
Usually guys continue to grow in height until they are about 18 then they begin to fill out in body size.Who knows if you will reach 6' or not but I'd say you are sure to gain at least a couple more inches. Growth usually happens in spurts so don't think you've stopped just because you aren't seeing a regular increase.
2007-03-07 16:19:46
answer #1
answered by uncle louie 5
You most likely not stopped growing. It is most likely that your growth is going to slow down a bunch. I would be willing to guess that you will grow about another inch to inch and a half before you are done. I would be shocked if you made 6 foot. 5-8 to 6 is a great height. The only thing being taller than that is good for is basketball.
2007-03-01 21:24:45
answer #2
answered by l00k_up 6
It's hard to say your growing pretty fast for your age. you could get a little taller but hey your 14? I'm 25 and your taller than me You MIGHT hit 6' but with both your parents being shorter you might not you could take after a tall relative. like I said its hard to say your still young and have plenty of time to grow but eveyrone grows at their own pace
2007-03-08 14:03:35
answer #3
answered by cee_jae22 3
I don't think so you probably won't stop growing completly until you are about 18 but you will slow down I would say yes you probably will hit the 6' mark regardless of how tall or short your parents are.
2007-03-07 17:00:21
answer #4
answered by robeangirl 2
my parents are 5'6"(mom) and 5'10" (Dad) and my brother at age 14 was 5"8 unfortunately he passed away at 16 years old so we don't know how tall he would have been, but from 14-16 he grew 5 more inches, he was 6'1" when he died. It all depends on your genes
2007-03-08 14:05:05
answer #5
answered by Mesha 3
my best friend was 5'8" when he was 14 and stayed that way until the summer he turned 15 and he shot up to 6' over the next few months. now at the age of 20 he stands at 6'3"..... so its definitely possible
2007-03-07 00:20:26
answer #6
answered by Curious Kim 3
I'm the same age (but I'm a girl) and I'm the same height. I thought I had stopped growing (like you I didn't grow for months) but I still managed to. 5'8 is a good height for a guy, but u will prob grow sum more.
2007-03-05 05:42:19
answer #7
answered by Missy B 2
You probably hit puberty quickly but you still will grow at a slower rate until you are between 17-21
2007-03-01 14:56:11
answer #8
answered by KingK354 4
maybe, im taller than both my parents and im still growing, and growth comes in short bursts, but if its been that long you might be done. has your voice gotten deeper yet, or can you grow a moustache? if yes, than your probably done.
2007-03-01 18:29:05
answer #9
answered by Silent Jimmy 2
im 14 and im 5"1 and a 1/2 so i can answer that.
sorry, but im a girl
2007-03-07 21:12:12
answer #10
answered by Kelsy 1