Legal and ethical don't always go hand in hand.
Yes, it's legal. It's completely legal for anyone to seek medical treatment for themselves and expect complete privacy. Legally doctors cannot disclose what treatment they gave a patient to a spouse without prior consent. And, no one is under any legal or contractual obligation to disclose any treatments they may have had to a spouse.
But, you didn't ask about ethical, so I'll kindly keep those opinions to myself. ;)
2007-03-01 07:08:46
answer #1
answered by InAMoment 3
Yes. A woman can have an abortion without the husband's consent. A husband has to notify his wife about having a vasectomy before he has one. An abortion doesn't mean she is sterile or having her tubes tied but a vasectomy means becoming sterile. You can always plan on another baby if this is not a good time for ya'll to have one. Personally I don't agree with abortions but to each is own. I looked both of these issues up on the net..................Some of the previous answers that others are posting are wrong.
2007-03-01 06:58:45
answer #2
answered by stuffyluvbug 4
yes, It is legal for a woman to get an abortion without telling her husband. It's also legal for a man to get a vasectomy without notifying the wife; however if he had commited to having children with her, she could use that in the divorce. If the guy did it before they were married and kept it a secret, it's considered fraud and she could have the marriage annuled.
2007-03-01 06:55:57
answer #3
answered by who-wants-to-know 6
Check with your state laws. This varies from state to state. In PA it is not legal.
"Section 3209 of the Act contains the spousal notification provision. It requires that, before a physician may perform an abortion on a married woman, the woman must sign a statement indicating that she has notified her husband of her planned abortion. A woman is not required to notify her husband if (1) her husband is not the father, (2) her husband, after diligent effort, cannot be located, (3) the pregnancy is the result of a spousal sexual assault that has been reported to the authorities, or (4) the woman has reason to believe that notifying her husband is likely to result in the infliction of bodily injury upon her by him or by another individual. In addition, a woman is exempted from the notification requirement in the case of a medical emergency. 18 Pa.Cons.Stat. § 3209 (1990). See Appendix to opinion of O'Connor, Kennedy, and Souter, JJ., ante, at 908-909."
2007-03-01 07:05:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes it's legal for a woman to get an abortion without telling her wife. As to the other I'm not sure about but I'd say yes.
2007-03-01 06:55:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think she can. I think the state views abortions as a womans choice to her body . I would check with your state laws.
Also, on the vasectamy. Men can get a vasectamy without telling their wife because I know a couple who were trying to have kids and the wife could never get pregnant. Well they ended up getting a divorce later on and after they were divorced, he ended up spilling the beans that he didnt want kinds and he had a vasectomy before the started trying to have kids. It was so bad for his ex wife because he had made her think it was her that couldnt have kids. She was on fertility pills and everything and she couldnt get preg because he had had a vasectomy. Thats dirty!
2007-03-01 07:01:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The guidelines in florida require parental notification, yet no longer consent, for any minor in search of an abortion. there is not any way round that without going to a diverse state. you could't get it on-line and also you may't purchase it over-the-counter. you want to be prescribed or given this medicine by a medical specialist because it should be shown that you're below 8 weeks alongside and it should be shown that it worked after it really is been given. Sorry! you're in simple terms going to ought to inform your moms and dads.
2016-12-05 02:48:57
answer #7
answered by ? 4
I'm not sure on legality, I think that depends on the state. I know that many clinics require the spouse be present for the initial counseling for a vasectomy.
2007-03-01 06:59:50
answer #8
answered by higg1966 5
I agree with everyone else on here about the ethics part, but the only reason I see a woman having an abortion without telling her husband is because it is not her husbands baby.
2007-03-01 07:28:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It may depend on where you live. My husband had a vasectomy and no doctor around here will do one unless he has spoken to both the wife and the husband.
2007-03-01 07:01:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous