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I seen 1 on the Ikea

2007-03-01 06:42:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

10 answers

Fewer than there truly are...and the couple in the Ikea commercial are gorgeous...real soul comes in so many skins!!!

2007-03-01 06:59:01 · answer #1 · answered by ink! 1 · 0 0

I've seen a few where the man is white and the woman is Asian. I see some where you aren't sure of the ethinicity of the woman, so you aren't sure if its an interracial commercial. I've seen one with a big asian guy with a black wife. (was that Ikea) I'm not sure if I've EVER seen black/white.

Keen observation on commercials, specifically. TV shows need to get pockets of loyal viewers, but commercials need to appeal to EVERYONE. Thay can't really risk alienating anyone if they want to sell their product, instead of scaring customers away.

For this reason, I feel commercials are a better indicator of the racial climate in America.

In 1956, advertising agencies were unable to convince national clients to buy time on The Nat "King Cole" Show. Advertisers were fearful that white Southern audiences would boycott their products. A representative of Max Factor cosmetics, a logical sponsor for the program, claimed that a "*****" couldn't sell lipstick for them.

I remember when I was younger, they had two versions of the same commercial. One with blacks, on with whites. It appears at this time they thought whites wouldn't turn cold to a product just because blacks used it, but blacks still couldn't sell it.

Now you have blacks in commercials all the time. The next step it to see biracial couples more often.

2007-03-01 08:00:01 · answer #2 · answered by Smart Kat 7 · 1 0

You're either watching the wrong shows, fella, or else you're blind. TV execs don't want to offend people, but they brought mixed marriages to the screen early and often. Lucille Ball has a *hispanic* husband, both on screen and in real life. Sammy Davis Jr. had a *swedish* wife, both on screen and in real life. In Star Trek, it was openly winked at that Uhuru was sleeping with Captain Kirk, and Spock was not just the result of an interracial marriage, but an inter-species marriage. Bridget Loves Bernie didn't just have a Catholic married to a Jew, but that was the whole point of the show. These days, you have Alan Harding's gorgeous wife appearing on his show, even though she has little to do with the topic, and there are the *children* of real-life interracial marriages appearing on every network from MSNBC to the Golf Channel. The TV execs would *love* to startle people, and get them talking about their shows - it builds ratings. But they don't notice whether a couple is paired by race, and increasingly, they don't even notice whether a couple is straight or gay. It just doesn't make any difference to them, one way or another. So why are *you* making a big deal about it? You want to live in a world of quotas, instead of an increasingly color-blind world?

2016-03-29 05:51:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Very, very few, if any. There will most like be a white man and a Asian Women, then a White Man and Hispanic Women.

2007-03-01 08:07:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't sit around and count, but I have at least seen 3 or 4.

2007-03-01 06:46:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It's very common considering that there is hardly anyone born to a pure race anymore. I really don't pay too much attention to race. Thank you.

2007-03-01 06:49:04 · answer #6 · answered by cookie 6 · 0 0

Remember Tom and Hellen on the Jeffersons? They were a cool couple!

2007-03-01 06:48:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Becoming more common on TV shows.

2007-03-01 06:46:08 · answer #8 · answered by badkitty1969 7 · 0 1

There are quite a few I see... But why does it matter?

2007-03-01 06:46:02 · answer #9 · answered by Bl3ss3dw1thL1f3 4 · 1 1


2007-03-01 06:48:20 · answer #10 · answered by BLOODHOUND 6 · 2 1

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