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2007-03-01 06:28:08 · 29 answers · asked by a bush family member 7 in Politics & Government Politics

29 answers

cause, a baby is an innocent being not yet had a chance to choose between right or wrong. A death row convict is already had that chance, usually more than once.

2007-03-09 05:57:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I can tell you are Republican. First of all, nobody (except a killer) is for abortion, people are pro-CHOICE, which means that they want people to have a choice. Liberals do not believe that every child should be aborted; that is conservative propoganda (Ann Coulter especially, who ironically called the president a homosexual, which is obviously NOT true)(This shows how smart she is). Dems are against death penalty because studies have shown that in states without the death penalty death rates are lower. This is consistent in many states. These states attempt to teach convicts how to become civilized. It is like an amnesty program.

2007-03-08 09:49:44 · answer #2 · answered by Tom R 2 · 0 0

If you start off with the premise that either issue is about liberals or conservatives, you will not get any useful info about either one. These are separate issues. Here are a few verifiable and sourced facts about the death penalty, all based on practical considerations. Conservatives, by the way, are paying attention to them too.

Re: Alternatives
48 states have life without parole on the books. It means what it says, is swift and sure and is rarely appealed. Being locked in a tiny cell for 23 hours a day, forever, is certainly no picnic. Life without parole incapacitates a killer (keeps him from re-offending) and costs considerably less than the death penalty.

Re: Possibility of executing an innocent person
Over 120 people on death rows have been released with evidence of their innocence. Many had already served over 2 decades on death row. If we speed up the process we are bound to execute an innocent person. Once someone is executed the case is closed. If we execute an innocent person we are not likely to find that out and, also, the real criminal is still out there.

DNA is available in no more than 10% of murder cases. It is not a miracle cure for sentencing innocent people to death. It’s human nature to make mistakes.

Re: Appeals
Our appeals system is designed to make sure that the trial was in accord with constitutional standards, not to second guess whether the defendant was actually innocent. It is very difficult to get evidence of innocence introduced before an appeals court.

Re: Deterrence
The death penalty isn’t a deterrent. Murder rates are actually higher in states with the death penalty than in states without it. Moreover, people who kill or commit other serious crimes do not think they will be caught (if they think at all.)

Re: cost
The death penalty costs far more than life in prison. The huge extra costs start to mount up even before the trial. There are more cost effective ways to prevent and control crime.

Re: Who gets the death penalty
The death penalty isn’t reserved for the “worst of the worst,” but rather for defendants with the worst lawyers. When is the last time a wealthy person was sentenced to death, let alone executed??

Re: Victims families
The death penalty is very hard on victims’ families. They must relive their ordeal in the courts and the media. Life without parole is sure, swift and rarely appealed. Some victims families who support the death penalty in principal prefer life without parole because of how the death penalty affects families like theirs.

Opposing the death penalty doesn’t mean you condone brutal crimes or excuse people who commit them. According to a Gallup Poll, in 2006, 47% of all Americans prefer capital punishment while 48% prefer life without parole. Americans are learning the facts and making up their minds using common sense, not revenge or an eye for an eye mentality.

2007-03-01 16:15:11 · answer #3 · answered by Susan S 7 · 3 0

i'm FOR the death penalty, below proper the following circumstances: a million. The convicted criminal in question is an severe probability to society (i.e. a serial killer or shooter/bomber) 2. there is irrefutable info for instance that the convicted criminal did certainly commit #a million above (i.e. DNA info, different witnesses, confessions, etc.) below those circumstances i trust that the death penalty is a suitable punishment for the crime. sure, criminals jointly with those will be sentenced to life in detention center, notwithstanding, there have been many circumstances in which detention center breaks have got here about, ensuing in fantastically risky criminals enable loose on the streets and many extra harmless lives lost (lives which may have in the different case been kept had the criminals been killed earlier). If someone is a probability to the nicely-being of our society, then the in effortless words one hundred% positive-fireplace thanks to make certain that no individual is ever harmed by this individual lower back is to remove the guy. it really is why i trust that there remains a need for the death penalty.

2016-12-05 02:47:59 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You really don't get the concept do you-- Pro-choice is just that. That a woman has a choice in determining the outcome. Its not Pro-abortion. I'm personally against abortion but don't think the gov should have total say in that decision.

On the death penalty-- its a matter of making the wrong decision on guilt or not.

Why do cons say their pro-life but support the death penalty and war?

2007-03-01 06:34:38 · answer #5 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 6 1

So when is a baby a baby - conception? Maybe the next day?

I get blown away when the so called "conservatives" love war with the resulting result of the deaths of children but when it comes to a woman's right to choose, no way. The also like the death penalty. Hang 'em high.

Our thinking seems to so screwed up at this moment in time. Maybe its this Iraq war but there is not much clear thinking anymore.

2007-03-01 07:00:03 · answer #6 · answered by Dave 2 · 4 2

Edit: I forgot to discuss the death penalty.

Please look up reducto ad absurdim and pay close attention to its meaning, so that you never commit that fallacy either in your questions and/or in your answers.

Liberals are NOT for aborting babies. We are not lined up rooting for the kiling of fetuses, and to suggest that we are, is to commit the fallacy of reducto ad absurdim.

Liberals simply understand that there are some cases where abortion should be legal, say, after rape, incest, health of the mother, and sometimes even a mother-to-be's economic conditions are so incredibly poor that she can't handle the costs of raising a child, much less "having" a child. LIberals understand that women have rights regarding choices involving their bodies, and they STILL have those rights, EVEN while they are pregnant.

The death penalty has been proven countless times to have killed innocent people. We cannot allow a legal system so broken that we are kililng people who were put in jail, put through the emotional torture of being seperated from their families and freedom, and all because someone else committed a crime.

Also, we recognize criminals (save the extremely sociopathic/ psychopathic that don't operate on the regular human wavelength) as actual flesh and blood individuals. People capable of doing both good and evil, who through terrible circumstances, whether created by themselves, or brought to fruition by someone else (I believe 95 or greater percentage of those in prison for serious crimes suffered horrific abuse), ended up doing evil. We choose not to define them by the one or more evil acts that they chose to do. Though they have committed horrible acts that they must pay the penalty of, and do their best to make right for, we do not just label them as evil and throwaway trash.

2007-03-01 06:37:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Liberals believe that aborting babies is somehow a right. They have it all wrong. As for killing murderers, they would like their votes.

2007-03-09 04:07:15 · answer #8 · answered by edward m 4 · 0 0

I'm a pro life Liberal what means I am

against abortion
against death penalty
against illegal wars

Why ? because I'm free to have my own opinion


2007-03-01 06:42:45 · answer #9 · answered by willow, the yodakitty from hell 7 · 4 2

You're generalizing but you can also turn that around.

There are a huge number of conservatives for the death penalty ( and for the War, which kills untold innocents) and against abortion....

How do you reconcile that?

2007-03-01 06:35:17 · answer #10 · answered by Rick 4 · 5 1

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