Take about 1 tsp of baking soda and follow it with a glass of water. This will help the gas dispense more easy and should relieve any pain. This is perfectly safe and will not harm if you are breastfeeding...the same ingredient in baking soda are in antacid's...just cheaper and better in my opinion!
If your conditions gets worse or if you start to throw up, please call your primary or OB to discuss. It could be issues with your gallbladder...
2007-03-01 06:59:00
answer #1
answered by Jen 3
It's normal after any abdominal surgery to have excess gas. Walk a lot, take the stool softeners that they gave you, and drink lots of water. Good luck and congrats on the baby.
2007-03-01 06:30:32
answer #2
answered by tabs8 3
After my c-section i had the same i think it is a normal thing with them. I ate tums like they were candy but i foudn that laying on my side helped as well
2007-03-01 07:45:37
answer #3
answered by Ashley h 1
yes i had this twice with my two c sections. you can try drinking hot drinks, the doctor told me to lay down and try to stand very quickly. try laying down and bringing your legs towards your chest very quickly. walking is good. you can also try cooking with fennel as this releases trapped air. good luck
2007-03-01 06:34:35
answer #4
answered by mum of 2 3
Yes, I had the same problem - just keep walking as much as possible.
2007-03-01 06:28:00
answer #5
answered by kt 7
Move around, a lot. It is very normal.
2007-03-01 06:40:49
answer #6
answered by vgleason_102301 4
walk, walk, walk. I had it too. It will pass. Best of luck.
2007-03-01 06:34:43
answer #7
answered by duckygrl21 5
congrats! i hope things turn out well for you and the baby :-)
2007-03-01 06:28:54
answer #8
answered by an_articulate_soul 4