my daughter was like this at 14 i would take her to school and she kept walking out as soon as i left her so i went to see the head and we made it right for me to sit in the classroom with her so that solved that 1 (i did it for a full week) and as for her not coming home she was told a certain time ti be in if she wasn't i used to put the dog on the lead and go and find her she soon got fed up with this and started coming back when she should hope this helps x
2007-03-01 06:31:20
answer #1
answered by andrea.barrett36 4
Send her to a girls ranch or a boot camp they will work with her...
Or you can try a councelor but other than that i can't think of nothing for you to do..
I was the same exact way i ditched school everyday. always got suspended when i did go, was always getting dropped off by police at my mothers work, I yelled i screamed, I snuck out of the house, I would never come home when i was suppose to i would stay gone for nights at a time without calling my mother, I hit the teachers ect. My mother tried everything from hitting me, grounding me, calling the cops ect and nothing worked for her..
Finally she kicked me out, I had no place to go. I had a boyfriend who was 4 years older than me which made him 19 and I went and moved in with him, got kicked out of school, so i got a job and an apartment and started paying my own bills. I look back and i was sooo stupid, I wish i never acted the way i did, i wished i stayed in school.I regret everything i did..It was soo hard, i couldn't keep a job, my ex and i broke up after 3 years and again i was homeless mooching off other people, sleeping in my POS car..
Sooner or later your kid will realize how much their messing up their own life and by then it might be too late to fix..So that is why i brought up boot camp/ girls ranch they really make a difference. My mother sent my sister their and she got her high school diploma while she was going their, and they taught her self discipline and now she has a husband, a child, a wonderful job and is in the process of becoming a beauty tech, I left befor i my mother even had the chance to send me their but i wish i stayed..
Now i am 20 I just barely got a GED, am now married and just got into our house and it is still very hard because i did not graduate school so jobs are limited same for my husband.
I hope you do the right thing..
2007-03-01 06:43:27
answer #2
answered by Kasja 5
At about 13 I started sneaking out windows and not coming home at night... my parents called the cops and reported me as a habitual runaway, they changed all the locks on the house except for the front door where a very large bell was hung on the doorknob, they even put a deadbolt on my bedroom and I had to ask permission to get into my own room and to wear certain clothes (ie: things I couldn't sneak out in). Bottom line: They laid down the law!! As a well adjusted independent 20 something I'd say it worked. :)
2007-03-01 08:49:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
im 15 and i diffently do not act like that. i have a smart mouth but what teenager doesn't? But with ur daughter i'd try and get her sent somewhere that would teach her a lesson And teach her not to act the way she does. i was taken away from my mom at a young age so im not too sure what it is like having ur mother around alot. maybe she is doing all this for some attention from both u and her mother? try talking to her mom and see if yall can get something worked out to help yalls daughter.
im not to sure if this was any help But i know girls my age get out of control when they want some attention or in with the wrong crowd.
2007-03-01 06:34:43
answer #4
answered by michelle 1
As far as the school is concerned if she is refuses to go to school you can call the truancy officer and they will take her in the back of a police car. If she wont come home when told call the police and let them know she is breaking curfew. They will straighten her out. If they don't juvenile hall will.
2007-03-01 08:07:59
answer #5
answered by momof3 6
I'm sorry but I have to agree with Amanda--she (your daughter, not Amanda) sounds like a brat. She is fifteen -- if she speaks English she should understand when to come home.
Tell her to mind and if she doesn't call the CPS offices and see if they can direct you to any agencies that can help.
2007-03-01 07:22:14
answer #6
answered by MamaCat 5
Take her on the Maury Pauvich show..these types of shows are usually titled " out of control teens" and then they use different scare's kinda a reach but hey it could work
2007-03-01 06:36:30
answer #7
answered by Diamond~ I <3 my Son 6
send her away
2007-03-01 06:52:49
answer #8
answered by Amanda W 1