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hi, im 14 and id like to start a small car wash business.
i live in london and i really dnt no how 2 start the business. please give me some advice and how much money would i get. and how much money would i need to start
please answer

2007-03-01 06:17:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

p.s id like to spend less than £50
remmber its a small hand wash business

2007-03-01 06:17:57 · update #1

3 answers

well you'll need some water... and some soap. And some car wax and a bunch of towels, sponges and rags. Also some spray on tire shine stuff, like armorall. Maybe some window cleaner for the windows so they don't get streaky. I don't know when it gets warm in London (if ever) so you might have to wait for a few months before you add in the bikini clad big breasted women. They are essential though, as I have learned from many movies.

2007-03-01 06:22:55 · answer #1 · answered by grasshopper 3 · 1 1

Young man the first thing educating yourself on business law as it pertains to your country and local government. Instead of working at the local fish'n chip's stand for your first job try getting employed as a company owner's assistant. And most importantly never think your to old or to wise to learn something new. Just learning to apply your brain shrewdly can be as useful if not more than the A B C's of any business.
Good Luck young entrepreneur!
Ahh.. i just read the 50 pound bit, sorry. you'll need water, the money should about take care of lunch.

2007-03-01 06:25:40 · answer #2 · answered by ROCKET 3 · 0 1

a million How previous are you? How previous have been you once you began breaking out? i'm 18 now. i began breaking out whilst i became sixteen. on no account fairly had lots zits until now then. 2 Is your epidermis consistently sparkling, do you get spots sometimes, or do you especially much consistently have a breakout? i'm getting zits close to my era. I oftentimes get one in all 2 someplace around my mouth, and doubtless the atypical one around my brow. they oftentimes sparkling up as quickly as my era's performed however. 3 What face wash do you employ? sparkling and sparkling Morning Burst (the purifying one interior the blue bottle). 4 Do you employ face mask or scrubs or something? What variety? i exploit St. Ives products for this. i exploit their clay toning mask at evening (sometimes I pass it, yet i attempt to do it somewhat some nights a week). I additionally use their Apricot scrub once or twice a week. 5 What type make up do you positioned on? What do you positioned on (commencing place, concealor?, ect) in basic terms drug shop manufacturers. i like Maybelline and canopy woman products. i alter the type i exploit many times because of the fact i'm finding for the wonderful product for my epidermis (an stunning style of the wonderful products i've got used are hide woman). 6 How lots makeup do you positioned on? oftentimes in basic terms concealer, commencing place, and slightly mascara. sometimes some eyeshadow too. 7 What spot cures do you employ? sparkling and sparkling Persa-Gel 5. I positioned that on any zits until now i bypass to mattress. 8 Do you consume junk nutrition or healthy? I consume the two healthy ingredients and junk nutrition. probable slightly too lots junk nutrition, yet oh nicely. I additionally drink an stunning style of water. Water's a super help.

2016-10-17 00:53:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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