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Im not on the pill I stopped it last June, me n bf use condoms - not had any accidents but i know they arent 100% safe (im 22 live with my partner so have regular sex etc) - I hadnt had a period for over 2 months so went to family planning and they did a test. It was the negative. The type of test they used apprantly only shows up pregnancy thats over 3 weeks.. so she said id need another in 3 weeks to be sure.
Anyway a few weeks later I got this brown discharge I thought it was my period coming - cancelled my appointment...
This wasnt much just really when I wiped myself I only needed a very thin pantyliner.
I then had tiny amount of blood after about 5 days for a few days but not much not as much as I normally get with my period and now im back to having light brown stuff again and have had that like 2-3 days now so have to wear a thin pantyliner again. seems realy odd! Not been stressed but I am a low weight as I lost a few more pounds (not intentional!) trying to put it back on

2007-03-01 06:14:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

4 answers

You may be pregnant.
I bled with my first pregnancy for the 1st three cycles.
Go ahead and get a pregnancy test.
Good luck.

2007-03-01 06:35:20 · answer #1 · answered by Croa 6 · 0 0

the brown stuff is dead blood... I know that sounds gross but it is true. You are supposed to bleed a certian amount every month in order to flush everything out. If you have not had regular periods then there is stuff left behide. If the blood stays in you it deads. SO your body will discharge it beofre/after and during your cycle.
You still might want to go see your OB if your periods don't get normal because it can cause other issues. Good luck

2007-03-01 14:25:52 · answer #2 · answered by The Voice Of Reason 4 · 2 0

did you have a vaginal exam at the doctors appointment. That can cause slight bleeding for a few days, if not then it sounds like you might be prgnant. I had brown discharge with both of my pregnancies in the first few weeks.

2007-03-01 14:21:56 · answer #3 · answered by melly12 2 · 1 0

its tottolay okay b\c you probably were stressed or not stressed. i don't know how but some times your temper can controll vaginal action. go to this website www.whatswrongwithmyperiod.com its really good.

2007-03-01 14:20:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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