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Hi folks i have a form called Patient details and i have to enter patient id ( like 040001) to show the detail to that patient. i also have a button called cmdAdd where i can add new patient detail so the problem is when i click of cmd ADD it gives me an empty form which is perfect i enter new patient details ( patient id 040002) and save it and it is saved to table patient detail but again when i want to display that patient details there is nothing on form but the record is saved to table patient id and u can view it there .

i hope u get what im saying....

2007-03-01 06:08:29 · 3 answers · asked by khanz 3 in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

3 answers

If I follow you, you have no problem adding a new patient but if you try to look up that patient after just added there is no data?

I think it's a refresh issue. Suppose you opened the program at 3:00 pm and there were 30 records. You added 2, but the program is still looking at the 3:00 'snapshot', so it thinks there are 30 still instead of 32. If you close and open the program and get a new 'snapshot' you are now able to see the 2 newly added patients?

So you need to make sure that your added patients are fully saved, committed, and the database/recordset and/or queries are refreshed and viewing an up to date view of the data.

hope that helps

2007-03-01 08:03:58 · answer #1 · answered by rod 6 · 0 0

Your suited wager is to get it into excel and then it particularly is imported into get entry to. First open pdf in word and save as a .txt document you will would desire to verify the thank you to try this making use of somewhat some loose classes or addons to word in simple terms seek information superhighway for this. Then use excel to import from textual content ( In information tab there is an determination from textual content). freshen up information and make right into a table making use of a single row for each chemical. Then import this excel table into get entry to as a sparkling table. Create a style to view chemical ingredients. Wizards will do maximum of this. feels like your pdf provides you all the information you prefer so could be noticeably straightforward its in basic terms some information manipulation bear in suggestions excel is easy to control with formula so as quickly as in there it particularly is much less confusing to go around by using a formula somewhat then shrink and pasting so a secretary may well be extra perfect at this then you as maximum are attentive to excel.

2016-12-18 03:24:45 · answer #2 · answered by lacy 4 · 0 0

It sounds like you are not executing the UPDATE method of the RECORDSET object after you make the updates to the form. Check that out.

2007-03-01 08:32:14 · answer #3 · answered by Richard H 7 · 0 0

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