make him a card from the baby and put it in the fridge or on his favorite chair or something..... or run to the store and put pink and blue balloons on the mailbox... CONGRATS again!
2007-03-01 06:11:40
answer #1
answered by michaellandonsmommy 6
i think that it would be cute and memorable to make a dinner and give him a present. The present being an outfit that is meant for the baby. You could also make the dinner itself full of clues. You could make baby carrots, baby peas, make baby burgers stuff like that. I think that it would be cute. No matter what you do tell him about the baby will be something that you will never forget.
Good Luck and have fun.
2007-03-01 14:14:17
answer #2
answered by fazugosgirl 2
Too bad time is such a limit. If you could wait a day, you could buy him a "world's best dad" hat or shirt or something. If you can't wait, just make him a card, or leave the pregancy test in an interesting place for him to find.
2007-03-01 14:16:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
**Wrap up the 'pee-stick' and tell him you just wanted to give him a little something for being wonderful and for sticking by you through all this time.
**Make him lunch/dinner with baby carrots, baby back ribs, ........ see if he catches on to the theme.
**Tape the 'pee-stick' to the remote control so when he goes to sit and watch some tv he'll see it.
**Just tell him that you have some good news and some bad news......the good news is I'm pregnant.....tell him the bad news is we don't have to practice so hard...but we can still in reality, he's getting two bits of good news!!
I don't know.....I was just trying to think fast since you are on a limited time budget. You know you don't have to tell him immediately when he walks thru the door.....try and come up with something creative and then spring it on him. Buy yourself some time ----- hey, you got time now!!!! :D
Congrats young lady and good luck with your surprise!!!
2007-03-01 14:17:27
answer #4
answered by momto3 4
Congrats! I wrote a poem about a little Eagles Fan (football team) sitting on daddy's knee, then framed that, bought an Eagle's outfit for baby & a shirt for him.....he didn't get it at 1st, so I had to show him the test, but when he got it it was so cute. We saved the poem & can't wait to put baby in the outfit!
2007-03-01 14:12:28
answer #5
answered by Tracy 4
Do you have a baby rattle in the house? Or some little baby toy? Put it at his place at the table where you'd usually put his fork. He'll catch on...
Or put pickles and ice cream at your place at the table.
Or use the stationery program on your computer to make him a little "happy Father's Day" card.
2007-03-01 14:12:46
answer #6
answered by JS 2
Put on a t-shirt that says, "I'm going to be a mommy!" .. or get him a daddy's card and put the positive pregnancy stick in the middle!
good luck! God bless!
2007-03-01 14:13:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Leave the positive test in a box write on the box suprise for you! Let him open it with you next to him. Good luck and congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am also trying and cant wait to tell him that i am.(whenever that is ive been trying for a year.)
2007-03-01 14:17:28
answer #8
answered by ? 2
Create a nice candlelight dinner. Romance, good food, etc.
When it's time for desert, come in with a covered tray and place it in front of him. When he opens it, there will sit a little pair of baby shoes.
Congratulations to you and best of luck!!
2007-03-01 14:11:06
answer #9
answered by pamomof4 5
You should make him a card or a candle light dinner, Congratulations and Good luck!!
2007-03-01 14:38:36
answer #10
answered by ButterFlyAngel 3