Congratulations for starters! This is a thrilling time and very hard to keep quiet from family. As soon as I found out, I had to tell everyone...I couldn't hold it in! It took us 3 months to get pregnant.
Now about what to expect may have nausea or vomiting. Maybe feeling tired and wanting to take naps more than usual. Get as much rest as you need & feel.
Enjoy this time for it is a mental & emotional preparation for you until the baby comes. Eat healthy as possible that is, & take 1/2 hr walks daily 4-5 x's a week(really helped me to have an easy delivery). It's a myth when they say you can eat double. Make sure you lubricate your belly with Vit. E oil or cocoa butter to minimize stretch marks as much as possible. Read lots of books/magazines so the more you know about the baby the better. You'll have lots of time to search & plan out what theme you want for the baby's room. The same goes for baby's names although you might change your mind many times in the coming months. Take advantage of the time you have now to do all your research for your interests bc once baby comes your time will be limited. Enjoy your showers, doing your hair & makeup bc again once baby comes you have to do all that VERY quickly. LOL!
You can also take up a hobby like crocheting or knitting & make your own baby's hand made blanket (depending if u have the time or not). Enjoy the pampering from hubby, family & friends around you.
A book that I read back to all the time is "Power of a Praying Parent" by Stormie Omartian. Praying for our children is the most loving thing we can do. It has helped me through alot of difficult times. Plus it brings me so much joy & peace. You're very blessed!
Psalm 127:3
Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from him.
2007-03-01 07:37:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Congratulations to you and your baby. What an exciting time for you. It only took 2 months here too and I was pretty shocked when I saw the results.
Anyway, every pregnancy is different so my suggestion is to buy a book, like What to Expect While Expecting, it has been my life saver. It will tell you what to expect each month, such as, symptoms, doctors appointments, test and so forth.
As of right, not much will probably be too different. The doctor might not see you until around 10 weeks so be prepared for that. In the meantime, I would get some prenatals and start taking great care of your self, if you already don't.
CONGRATS again!!!
2007-03-01 06:05:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
How exciting! Congratulations!!! Well the first thing you should do is find a copy of "What to expect when you are expecting". That is the best book I have ever read. It explains so much and it always has an answer to my questions. Its a great book. You should tell your family right away I am sure they will just be thrilled. Congratulations!
Also you are in for a long journey but it will be worth it in the end. In the first term you can expecting nausea/vomitting, fatigued, bloating/constipation, emotional (up and down), mood swings. worrisome thoughts. Many others in the first term. The second term is the best your not so tired anymore you can start your excise program because your not as tired anymore and your pregnanct really starts to sink in. The third term is unconfortable, your mood swings are back (if they ever went away), your body is tired again. And so many other wonderful things that happen to your body.
Pick up a copy of that book I have read other books and they werent as great as "What to expected when you are expecting", I read every night even now and this is my third pregnancy but it answers so many questions.
2007-03-01 06:15:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Let me start off by saying CONGRATS!!!!!
I have had 3 kids (Joey 11, Alexis 6, and Jayven 1)!! Take it from me, no one can tell you what to expect!!!! Each pregnancy is different!!! My first pregnancy was pretty much OK but my son was sooo active it killed me!! My second pregnancy it didn't even feel like I was pregnant!! That was the BEST one!!!!! My third pregnancy was horrible - lots of complications!!! So please do listen to anyone!!! Just sit back and enjoy your pregnancy and your growing child inside of you!!!! This is the 1st part of the bonding between you and your child!!! Don't let people take that away from you with horror stories about bloating or other things!!!! You are unique and your baby is unique!!!!! As far as when you tell people that is up to you and your partner also!!!! Some people like to wait to make sure everything is OK, but me and my husband couldn't keep it in!!! We told our families as soon as we found out!!! A baby is something to celebrate!!!! Well I hope this helped and if you have any questions about something specific please ask (I also used to work in the medical field!!!)!!! Good Luck to you and your family!!!!
2007-03-01 06:15:28
answer #4
answered by Mandi W 1
Congratulations!! The first scan is usually at around 10 weeks when the heartbeat can be detected. Most women wait until around the 12 week/3 month stage before spreading the news, as that is theoretically when the most dangerous period is over. You can start to expect morning sickness, feeling tired a lot, possibly sciatica, and starting to feel a lot more hungry. I actually went off food that I really love, like chicken, and started wanting food that I hate, like tomatoes!!
2007-03-01 06:02:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Congrats!! Every women goes through different things in early pregnancy. But you may experience morning sickness, feeling dizzy, being tired alot, cravings, sensitivity to smells, and a few others.
As far as when to tell your family, just when you feel comfortable telling them. Some people wait till the 12 week to tell others because the risk of miscarriage is very low at that point. Good Luck!!!
2007-03-01 06:08:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I told everyone right away(at 5 weeks), because I was so excited. Many people wait until after the first trimester when your chance of miscarriage drops significantly. I prefered to tell everyone right away, so in the case of a miscarriage, they could comfort me, and they would know why I was a little down. Two months? You were lucky. It took me 5 months after I went off birth control. Congratulations!!!
2007-03-01 06:06:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
*lol* Congrats! 1st off I suggest getting What to Expect When You're Expecting....I read that every couple weeks to stay on top of everything.
There's no way to tell you what to expect. It's different for every woman. But enjoy it all.
As far as your parents. Wait a while if you can. We wanted to wait until 13 weeks, but It was Christmas so we told them at 10 weeks w/ our 1st ultrasound in a pair of booties!
2007-03-01 06:09:18
answer #8
answered by Tracy 4
Congrats!!!!! Tell your family whenever you are ready and know that you can get them all together so you all can celebrate it at once. Expect nausea, hunger, weight gain, excitment, mood swings, and the painful but wonderful birth of you precious baby GURL. GOOD LUCK.
2007-03-01 06:04:08
answer #9
answered by ? 2
CONGRATS!!!!! It took me the first try! I was so excited! I'm sure your family will be thrilled! My mom and dad are so excited about being grandparents. You have a lot of great things ahead of you! All I have to say is enjoy your pregnancy, try not to worry too much about things, we all worry but just try to enjoy it because it passes by way too fast!
2007-03-01 06:14:37
answer #10
answered by 1st time momma 4