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my doctor told me that im 2 months, but i saw my period this month. i still feel nauciated, and sleepy. I don't have much of an appitite either. My boyfriend eat more than me sometimes i think he the one who pregnant.jus kidden. but could i be haven a miscarriage or is it jus normal.( i still feel tired and sick too.)

2007-03-01 05:42:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

6 answers

Any kind of blood seen during pregnancy should be notified to your doctor. You could be having complications or spotting for another reason. No one on here is going to be able to tell you why. You need to contact your doctor immediately, like right now. Good luck and I hope everything is ok.

2007-03-01 05:48:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's possible to bleed through out pregnancy and still have a healthy baby. What you need to know though is if it's with clots then it's a cause for concern. To make sure if you're still pregnant you need to get HCG test done ASAP. HCG is a hormone which is produced during pregnancy. If the levels are normal as how they should be during second month then you're still pregnant but if you have an abnormally high or low level of HCG then it could be a tubal pregnancy or start of a miscarriage. In any case if HCG levels are not normal your doctor will follow it up with a scan to reveal if every thing's ok. You'll also have to be put on bed rest depending on the severity of the situation. Even though it's possible to still feel nauseated and sleepy for a while after a miscarriage, it's pretty easy to tell if you're having one. For one it is a lot more painful than your normal period (the bigger the gestation age of the baby, the more painful). Also hard to miss the sac like clot (that's what it would look like during second month). In any case go to your gynecologist.

I too have had problems during my two pregnancies but the sad thing is I still miscarried both times after trying everything. Don't worry yourself coz it'll only add to complications. If it's meant to live, your baby will survive.

2007-03-01 14:13:32 · answer #2 · answered by coolmarine 1 · 0 0

Go the emergency room immediately. The same thing happened to me but I ended up having a miscarriage. That is probably whats going on it could just your period or it could be worse you could be having a tubular pregnancy you really need to go. I didnt bleed for that long about 3 days maybe and I was only 7 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. It looked like my period not any worse or any better.

2007-03-01 13:48:28 · answer #3 · answered by hmm 3 · 0 0

Yeah go see your doctor, because you could have had a miscarriage, you need to make sure everything looks normal and healthy. Spotting during pregnancy happens but you need to talk to a professional about it for sure!

2007-03-01 14:11:05 · answer #4 · answered by E 5 · 0 0

No, its probably not a miscarriage. You may just have your 'period' but its not medically termed as such while you are pregnant...go to your next docs appt and at this stage, a miscarriage would be way more painful then a regular period!

2007-03-01 13:52:49 · answer #5 · answered by BlackandBeautiful2007 2 · 0 0

By the time you are that far you will know if its a misscarrige. By how much stuff comes out when you bleed and how long you bleed. I had a misscarrige at 7 weeks and a clot as big as my hand came out. Sorry to gross you out. I also bled for 3 weeks.

2007-03-01 13:47:59 · answer #6 · answered by Candace T 3 · 0 0

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