ok course you can. When I had to go and see my doctor at 36 weeks in my last pregnancy I was dilated to a 2. I was a little early though but you should be fine. I had her at 38 1/2 weeks so 10 days early but that is still full term everything was fine. You should be fine and go full term and possibly over. But you just never know even now.
2007-03-01 05:22:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
positive, in case you pick to have a severe case of diarrhea. it really is about all you're going to get now, because your body isn't waiting yet. you're dilating and effacing, it really is favourite in late being pregnant, and really means no longer some thing. you'd be dilated and effaced for weeks and characteristic no longer some thing ensue, it really is totally favourite. you're not to any extent further finished time period until eventually 37 weeks, or perhaps then it really is nevertheless too early to have a touch one if it will be helped. Even toddlers who're born at 39 weeks by optionally available induction or c/s earlier confusing artwork may have issues. So being pregnant sucks, notwithstanding it really is extra appropriate than having a untimely toddler with wellbeing issues.
2016-12-05 02:44:11
answer #2
answered by lesure 4
Doesn't sound like it. Unless the hospital are successful in trying to slow the labour down but you still have five weeks to go which is a very long time. Just make sure you get plenty of rest, and don't do too much hard work because that can speed things along. You might make 37 weeks. Hope it all goes well! Good luck xxx
2007-03-01 05:23:41
answer #3
answered by MrsMatsuyama 3
I was 32 weeks pregnant, 2cm dilated, and 50 percent effaced.
At 36 weeks I was 3cm dilated, and completely effaced, and told I wasn't going to make it to next week, let alone my due date.
The baby was 8 days past her due date. :-) I was 4cm dilated five days before I gave birth. I had 8 hours, 9min of labor from first contraction to baby shooting out. :-) And she's my only baby.
Some people's bodies just prepare them earlier for labor. Think of it this way; the more dilated and effaced you are before active labor begins, the easier it should be (in most cases). It's quite probable you'll make it to your due date, especially if it's a first baby. Dilation and effacement usually begin in the month before labor for a first baby and happens closer to the due date and more quickly in subsequent births. Congratulations :-)
2007-03-01 11:47:43
answer #4
answered by katheek77 4
You could still even go past your due date! Dialation and effacement are very poor predictors of impending labour which is why almost all midwives never check unless there is a suspected problem such as preterm labour.
Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and take some vitamin C. Infection and dehydration can cause preterm birth. There is some evidence that vitamin C is relatively large doses is protective from PROM and preterm birth.
Good Luck!
2007-03-01 05:52:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Maybe. I was 2 cm dilated for four weeks.
2007-03-01 05:21:53
answer #6
answered by smartypants909 7
ive been almost a cm dialated since then, and im 38 weeks going on 39, it depends on your body, i was so excited to find out i started dialating, i was like, oh maybe ill have him early, well my little bun is still in the oven, and i think he's stuck
2007-03-01 05:23:56
answer #7
answered by ruspecialenuf 3
yes you can make it to your due date. i was 1 cm and 50% for about 2 weeks so. well any way congrats and good luck!
2007-03-01 05:21:50
answer #8
answered by impala400sb 5
Sure. You could still make it to your due date. It would just depend on if your cervix keeps dialating or not. I would venture to say you won't make it to your due date, but it's entirely possible that you will. Hope you are feeling well!
2007-03-01 05:21:57
answer #9
answered by socmum16 ♪ 5
I am not sure, but if you do have your baby early it should be fine. My friend had her baby at 34 weeks and she weighed a little over 5 pounds and was completly healthy.
2007-03-01 06:00:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous