Good Morning All! I am a little freaked out. Last night I coughed really hard and I had a super sharp stabbing pain in the right side of my stomach. It hurt really bad and almost took my breath away. I have been fine since then and haven't had any more pains. I have been really lucky with my pregnancy so far, little morning sickness, no spotting or cramping, and no constipation. Could this be a sign of a tube pregnancy or could it have been my stomach muscles or even gas? Has any body experienced anything like this. I don't want to call my Dr. if it's something trivial, what is your advise???
9 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Oh, I also wanted to add that I did see my Dr. at my last check up on 2/22 and she said everything was ok.
05:06:57 ·
update #1
The same thing happened to me when I was about that stage. I'm 25 weeks now. When I asked about it my doctor said it was a round ligament pain. I also read in "What to expect when you're expecting" that it can happen you sneeze or cough. The ligament pain can last a few seconds or up to an hour. It's not serious and is a response to your growing uterus. It makes sense when you think about it because your muscles (including your uterus) all tense up when you sneeze or cough. At this point your uterus is tender from stretching and growing so it causes a pain. If you feel really concerned about it, you can always ask your doc. But I thought it might help you to know someone else has experienced the same thing.
2007-03-01 05:34:35
answer #1
answered by pack513 4
I had the same thing when I was between 8-13 weeks pregnant, mine would happen when I would sneeze and was so painful I had to change the way I sneeze, hahaha. MY Dr. said the pain was from my ligaments stretching to accommodate the uterus and growing baby. You will probably feel this pain if you stand up to quickly from a chair or make a sudden movement. The pain will teach you how to slow down that's for sure. Best Wishes to you!
2007-03-01 14:27:12
answer #2
answered by krista_focus 2
I started experiencing round ligament pain very early...about 8 weeks. Twisting, getting out of the car, sneezing or coughing in the wrong position would cause breathtaking pain up one side or the other of my abdomen. After a while, you learn how to move and how not to move to avoid it. Hunch over from the waist a bit if you're going to sneeze or cough, and when you get out of the car, turn your whole body, leading with your legs, rather than twisting your midsection.
2007-03-01 18:07:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I would give a heads up to your doc, just in case. I would guess, off the top of my head, that you probably experienced a pain related to the stretching and growing of the uterus.
Your doc will likely want to do an ultrasound just to verify that there is nothing wrong. >And, they'd be able to quickly rule out any fears of a tubal pregnancy, too<
2007-03-01 13:09:06
answer #4
answered by Quinton1969 3
I had that. It hurt when i sneezed or coughed. I'm 21 weeks today. When i asked my doctor they said it was everything inside stretching But if your not sure call your doctor and just ask.
2007-03-01 13:07:17
answer #5
answered by Brocks Mommy 2
Hey! Me, too! Last night, just before lights-out.
I'm a little earlier in than you, but I seem to remember this happening once or twice with my first pregnancy.
Call your doctor if it will reassure you, but I'm pretty sure it's no biggie.
2007-03-01 15:04:11
answer #6
answered by ihatesunsets 2
not 4 sure could be nothing but 4 the sake of u and ur baby just call the doc and ask it may be serious and then it could be nothing i promise ur doctor will not care that is what they r there for. good luck
2007-03-01 13:07:53
answer #7
answered by kylie 3
same thing happened to me this morn. but i'm only 5 weeks so i had the same thoughts. so i don't know the answer just wanted to let you know that it happened to me too.
2007-03-01 13:07:34
answer #8
answered by island_chick21 4
see a doctor not yahoo answers
2007-03-01 13:06:06
answer #9
answered by howdy doody 3