2007-03-01 05:01:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You should do whatever you want to do. It's actually not uncommon for men to feel inferior due to images shown in the media, they just don't say anything because it's "not manly."
I think you are misunderstanding the history of civil rights when you make this comparison. The Women's Rights movement came about partly because women have, basically since the beginning of history, been seen as nothing more than mates for men and baby generators. The media at the time, and still at this time, gives the impression that only attractive women exist, and by attractive that boils down to "available for sex". Most women don't have a problem with seeing one attractive woman, but do have a problem seeing ONLY attractive women in ads. I would hope most women maintain some sort of suspension of disbeleif - obviously in a makeup commercial you will see attractive women. But it has gotten to the point where every tv show character, every news anchor, every actor in a commercial who is female is perfect. Not only that, but also in business, and behind the scenes in the movie and television business, your odds of success are greatly reduced if you are an ugly woman. By comparison, there are scores of men who, in everyday life, would be considered unattractive, who in media are successfull, or even icons. Can you imagine Woody Allen, Dennis Franz, George Lucas, Peter Jackson, or Micheal Moore as women? They would have been laughed out of Hollywood.
Keep in mind that when you put the shoe on the other foot that it's roughly the same size of foot.
2007-03-01 13:27:46
answer #2
answered by lemnlimelinoleum 2
Sarcasm noted, though ineffective. Ed O'neil is already on the AOL commercial. And the guy who hosts that weird Deal or No Deal show is bald (albeit slightly skeevy, as opposed to hot-bald). And remember the "Hudson Riverdance" commercial? There are lots and lots of us chicks who prefer bald men. Lots of us don't mind a bit of a gut (hug factor). And who doesn't think that men without body hair look just a bit clammy and girly?
When I was little and Star Wars first came out, all the older girls were arguing over whether Luke or Han Solo was cuter. I had the hots for Chewbacca (still looking for the perfect wookiee-man).
2007-03-01 14:34:08
answer #3
answered by badkitty1969 7
If we can't stop men from idolizing women and turning them into sex objects, isn't it our duty in the name of equality to also be sex objects?
Bring it on. It's more about attitude for men. Plenty of bald men are attractive to women. And if you got out of that chair and did some excercise you wouldn't have the belly. Women don't need to be told you're unattractive, they pretty much get that newsflash when they see you, if the smell doesn't forewarn them.
2007-03-01 13:12:09
answer #4
answered by jleslie4585 5
I would ignore them other than for health reasons. Protesting these types of things (women have them too) seems to do no good & only makes you angry. So you are hurting yourself & getting nowhere with others. I guess we need to just accept it as just being there. I just know care. Other things are more important to me.
Yes, I get the sarcastic part...same, same.
2007-03-01 13:05:10
answer #5
answered by SUSAN K 3
You should feel self conscious. You're bald and ugly. I really hate it when men like that try and hit on me. I'm to good for you and you should now it. Stick to people like yourselves and leave the beautiful people alone.
2007-03-01 13:02:54
answer #6
answered by sarahscute2000 2