Don't be silly. California has been TWO different countries (Northern and Southern) for nearly 70 years. SSSSHHHHH, it's a secret. If it becomes generally known, they'll be overrun with illegals from the USA.
2007-03-01 04:57:24
answer #1
answered by Granny Annie 6
Not going to happen.
Yes, Texas was its own country before becoming a state in our union. California was also its own country for one month before joining the union. Neither state will reverse the process. There is no valid reason to motivate a reverse action. Mexicans still want to come here to live because life is better here than there. Why would any right thinking Texan or Californian want to reverse that pattern and become part of Mexico?
2007-03-01 05:01:25
answer #2
answered by rac 7
it fairly is stupid in view which you a million. assume it gets to offload its debt, particularly than having to think of a share consistent with inhabitants. 2. forget that maximum California jobs rely on sales and connections in different states. California, not a self contained economic equipment. 3. Are oblivious to the reality that California isn't potential autonomous. It imports potential from the neighboring states. It will become its own united states, ask your self, no AC.
2016-10-17 00:43:14
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Umm, actually California is the SEVENTH largest economy in the world, not the 3rd.
There is talk every few years of Northern California forming its own state, but that's all it is - talk.
2007-03-01 05:09:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes, after the next big earthquake and California breaks off and floats away from the mainland.
2007-03-01 05:12:05
answer #5
answered by nycguy10002 7
If California were a nation it'd be the THIRD richest in the world. You bet you sweet butt the US will fight tooth and nail for her.
2007-03-01 05:04:39
answer #6
answered by Lotus Phoenix 6
Not in my lifetime...I don't think so...better give that one up.
That is not what happened in Texas, to my knowledge. Check your history books.
2007-03-01 04:56:47
answer #7
answered by SUSAN K 3
No it wont
2007-03-01 04:56:55
answer #8
answered by Britt 2