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6 answers

Doesn't seem like it, does it. I live outside Detroit and it's pretty bad there. It's the whole prison mentality of inner city blacks, not to mention the self-hating taught by Willie Lynch that paved the way for hatred among blacks. The hip-hop community is also to blame for promoting gang violence, drug trafficking, degredation of women and drug use. A man used the term "Black KKK." I see his point.

I think it's segregated to the big cities or any area where there is a large amount of blacks. Sad but true.

I could go on and on about what I think started the whole downward spiral because there was once a time where blacks stood together, united. Sure, there was still crime but, on average, there was more love among blacks for one another. Maybe the Crack phenomenon changed things. Seems like when that stuff hit the streets, all hell broke loose!

2007-03-01 04:50:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I live in the DC area and even though ALL crime is bad here, and asian and latino gang violence seems to be surpassing other issues in the area, "black on black" crime has been particularly bothersome here because of what it specifically means to this area. DC used to be known as the "Chocolate City". The DC has has and always has had a very high percentage of well-educated and upper-middleclass black people very visibly making up part of the population. But at the same time, DC has also been known as the murder capital of the country, and most of the people killing and being killed are black CHILDREN. It's young people from the ages of 22 to as young as 9. And there are multiple reports EVERY week. The problem with "black on black" crime seems to be the pervasive facade of self-hatred that is accepted by the entire community almost to the point of nonchalance. It's as if everyone is saying "Oh, well. If I hurt or kill other black people, it won't really matter as much because black people don't matter as much". The problem behind "black on black" crime is that so much of it seems to come from a cultural lack of self-esteem that is getting worse with each younger generation. The best way to stop it is through education. And this "black history month" crap is not helping because it has become an overcommercialized cliche. There need to be real meaningful programs that start in elementary school. And the goddamn f*cking useless professional athletes and rappers need to stop continuing the destructive cycle and become real role models.

2007-03-01 15:01:04 · answer #2 · answered by badkitty1969 7 · 0 0

I live in a very small town and there are no black people here. The only crime is kids breaking curfew. But I used to live in Minneapolis/St. Paul and there was an awful lot of all sorts of race on race crime. The more people that live in a community, the more crime there is. I don't think there is a way to stop it.

2007-03-01 12:55:49 · answer #3 · answered by Pom♥Mom Spay and Neuter 7 · 0 0

They only way to stop it is for black men to see it for what it is....the whole (big) picture which is a frightening thing, that has been designed by others.....as of this year community services and programs have been cut in black communities, where America wouldn't dream of cutting them in other areas. Its time to wake up, stand up, and stand apart, stop waiting on equal education, equal opportunities....there is NO equal

Look into the schools income per student in the inner cities and the allocation per children in other cities that alone will wake people up!

The anger and unfairness needs to be directed in another direction...(it is what it is, and years of history proves that its not going to change) Racism changes its form into other "isms" institutionalized racism is the most powerful racism in America....
The only cure is to separate and rebuild......

And if I've offend anyone.....so be it.

2007-03-01 13:24:30 · answer #4 · answered by Diamond in the Rough 6 · 1 0

not attacking you personally but I find the term 'black on black' crime to be completely stupid. Crime is crime.

*nobody is denying that there is crime in the black community. It is a big problem but it is no bigger than white on white crime, no bigger than black on white or any combination you dream of. A criminal does not wake up and think 'umm, let me go hurt black people'. Those crimes that are racially motivated are called hate crimes and those carry stiff penalties.

2007-03-01 12:50:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

education jobs and caramel/sundae dating me hi sweetie

2007-03-01 15:26:39 · answer #6 · answered by KING C 1 · 0 0

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