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We have found the perfect home for very little money and need to buy instead of rent since our oldest starts high school next year. My credit probs are due to divorce and my husbands due to him being unemployed for a period of time. We can afford the home payments just can't find the loan. HELP!!!!

2007-03-01 04:14:45 · 5 answers · asked by naneki1990 1 in Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

5 answers

You will have to get a subprime loan, which means your interest rate will be very high. More than likely in the 8-12%, depening on your actual credit score. I know Wells Fargo Financial has programs for people with credit problems.

2007-03-01 04:36:44 · answer #1 · answered by Primdiva 3 · 1 0

All banks just about offer the same products and loan programs with the different qualifications in each of their programs.

Your interest rate is based on your credit score and how well you have paid your consumer debt over time, not by the company that does your loan or even complete the paper work for your mortgage application.

In order to find out the type of loan programs you are qualified for you will have to fill out a loan application, with a mortgage broker, which you can find one in your local telephone book.

He will fill out this application, which takes awhile so grab your favorite beverage and sit down. Once you have completed the application, he will run your credit report which will have your credit scores. These credit scores will determine your interest rate.

The amount of your monthly debt payments you are required to pay as per your credit report and the amount of mortgage you can take on based on your income will determine the amount of house you will be able to purchase.

When you speak with the mortgage broker you will need the following documents to complete the loan application

#1 One month of pay stubs for each person that will be on the mortgage.

#2 Six months bank statements from each bank in which you bank as well as statements from any 401K from you place of employment.

#3 Two years of federal income tax along with the W-2 that match.

Once he has all that he need to do he can then issue you a pre-approval letter so you can purchase a home.

In this pre-approval letter will be the amount of house you are qualified to purchased.

Once he gives you this pre-approval you may now find a real estate agent to find yourself a home or he might have a referral.

Once you have found a home the real estate agent will then prepare a contract for you and the seller to sign.

Your mortgage broker will now order an appraisal to show proof of the property value.

The mortgage broker might ask for additional information or documentation, don't get all up tight this is normal, just supply the information or find the documents needed.

After the appraisal has been completed you will be called by your mortgage broker to sign your loan docs so you can take possession of your new home.

I this has been of some use to you, good luck


2007-03-01 04:34:56 · answer #2 · answered by Skip 6 · 0 0

You need a mortgage broker, not a direct lender. The broker knows ALL the options and will tell you if its possible.

However if your scores are below 580, its simply stupid to buy regardless. You'll pay nearly double the payment becuase of fees, APR, etc. Fix your credit first-- you could buy a better home in a year and have a lower payment.

2007-03-01 04:37:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Visit http://www.cheap-credit-cards.org/loans Enter your zipcode and choose from a list of providers in your area

2007-03-05 01:57:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

go on line and search - words " bad credit mortgage" or read up on five star mortgage co.they deal with bad credit mortgages.Good Luck.Been there.

2007-03-01 09:48:33 · answer #5 · answered by Bobbie 4 · 0 0

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