well punishment is not going to help anything in this situation.You have to encourage him to get a job and start saving everything he has to go toward this child.I wouldnt encourage marriage I would just encourage you and the other parents and the two kids to sit down and work out a solution and if not then I would encourage them to consider adoption.
2007-03-04 02:48:24
answer #1
answered by stegall_sherry 4
I don't see a question here .. oh and she didn't change him he changed him. Sorry but you can't blame other people for your sons actions, he isn't 7, he is 17.It is what it is, there is going to be a baby. I hope for that babys sake your son doesn't turn out to be another of those loser dads that refuse to even so much as acknowledge his child. As for you, stop pitching a fit, too late, deal with the situation and stop acting like you have to punish him. This is life, if we don't instill proper morals and proper care into our children, we have no right to be angry when they make a life altering decision like making a baby. You knew he had a girl friend, you knew he was 17, how many condoms did you buy for him to prevent this pregnancy?? As parents we have to have our heads in the reality of life, not some dream world of "my child knows better"
2007-03-01 12:08:18
answer #2
answered by Brooke 1
First your son is not a child and makes his own choices. He will have enough problems either you can become a part of the problem or help in a solution. No you can not punish him and he may not let you anyway. As to the young woman like it or not she is the mother of your grandson, you need to take some time to think then start conversing with your son as a young adult and father to be.
2007-03-01 13:05:18
answer #3
answered by badmikey4 4
Don't punish him. His punishment/blessing will come in nine months. Tell him his grades need to come up since he has a bebe on the way. Since you know the girl you might be able to tell if she will be a good mom or not. Did he break-up with her because she is pregnant? Not a good idea. Childsupport! Maybe you should talk to the girl and see what her plans are. Either way you are stuck with her for 18 years if she really is pregnant for your son. Good luck. God Bless.
2007-03-01 14:09:12
answer #4
answered by stepmom of 1 2
Talk to him about his grades and give him behavioral probation, which means tell him his grades must come up or he'll get into major trouble. Tell him how you feel in a calm, polite manner about the situation. Speak rationally as well as respectfully until you reach an agreement and if no agreement is reached have an alternative plan. Tell about what could happen later on about the situation, too, like child support, custody of the child-to-be, etc.
2007-03-01 12:17:29
answer #5
answered by sporty1997neon 2
Do not punish him. Be there for him, and make sure he takes care of his child. Teach him to be a good father, and not a dead beat dad. He will learn from his own mistakes. Being 17 and a father will force him to grow up faster, and he will change a lot (hopefully in a good way). He needs your support right now, not punishment.
2007-03-01 12:08:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Punish him? I dont think so. Now is not the time for punishment -he will have 18 years to work on that. It will do him no good to break up with her-yeah he got what he wanted and now that she's pregnant he wants nothing to do with her. Thats not cool. This girl doesnt have to give him or you any say in what she does with the child but if she keeps it then your son will pay child support -make sure he gets to see the kid and you also.
2007-03-01 12:03:58
answer #7
answered by elaeblue 7
Punishment? Like what... grounding him? Ahahahaha! He got a girl pregnant.. he didn't break a window.
I think he needs support and understanding more than anything. This isn't his (ex) girlfriend's fault... it was a mutual thing. Dying hair and grades dropping are normal for teens. It doesn't mean he's a bad kid, and certainly can't blame HER for it (that's like if her parents blame your son for corrupting their poor innocent daughter and knocking her up... that beast!).
If she has/keeps this baby, then he's going to have his hands full. That's the one thing you can do... force him to help take care of the child... to be a father. Other than that... the rest is up to them.
2007-03-05 05:26:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
What makes you so sure it's her? Have you seen her hold a gun to his head making him doing what he is doing?? No...So why does it have to be her fault, your son is choosing to make these dicisions on his own..Your son and this girl chose to have unprotected sex so it wouldn't be fair if he just up and left and did nothing to help her and his baby, after all it was his doing as well.
You can punish him but what good do you think it's going to do?
You and your son can go and talk to both the mother and her parents and find a solution to all this, you can suggest adopting the child when it is born..
I see it as they want to act like adults they should be treated like adults therefor make him get an after school job ect..
2007-03-01 13:03:12
answer #9
answered by Kasja 5
oh hunny well there is not a whole alot u can do but he does need to step up to the plate and help take care of his baby no matter how much u and her or him and her dont get along u will have to try for the babys sake i mean this lil guy or girl didnt ask 4 this.r they gonna put it up for adoption or r they gonna try to raise this child ? well just explain to him that u r there for him i promise this is a really hard time for the both of u i have been here and i know that no matter how hard it gets just make sure he knows u love him. cause he is scared to death. well good luck
2007-03-01 12:35:36
answer #10
answered by kylie 3