It's their job. They defend whoever needs defense
2007-03-01 04:01:06
answer #1
answered by Bekki 2
That's a legitimate question.
A lawyer can defend someone without trying to bend the truth and without lying. Not all attorney's are without a conscience. When you become an attorney you have to swear to uphold the truth, even if it's against your client and some do that. I wish all did that, but some just go through the formality of the process and never cover the truth or lie to protect their client eventhough they know that not doing so will send their client to prison. That' show most get sent away.
So just remember, just because someone is called a defense attorney to a molestor, doesn't mean that he's going to try to get that criminal off, nor does it mean that he will help him get off (although I'm sure some do), but mostly they're just giving the guy representation and explaing the process so that later he can't cliam that he didn't know etc. and get off on a technicality.
I totally see your concern and i agree with you, but rest assured that the reason MANY molestors go to proson is because they had honest representation, but "I'm going to get you off the hook" representation.
I hope I was able to explain that OK. ;o)
2007-03-01 04:13:19
answer #2
answered by TJTB 7
Yes and no. Everyone has the right in this country to be represented at trial by legal counsel regardless of how heinous the crime is or was. I am certainly not an advocate of any type of child molestation, however, on the rare occasion that someone is accused and is not guilty of the crime what do you suppose would happen to them if they were unable to afford legal counsel?
Everyone, even the guilty, are innocent until they are proven guilty by a court of law. Then if a child molester is found guilty I have some great ideas as to what "rights" they should have.
2007-03-01 04:06:55
answer #3
answered by Only hell mama ever raised 6
The law in the US requires that everyone be entitled to legal representation even if they can't afford it. It's to ensure that people who are accused, are not assumed guilty, and get the full protection of the law.
While child molestation makes me really angry, I still want to see them get adequate representation. Just in case they aren't guilty.
And, lawyers are not necessarily any more noble than the child molester..they are looking to get paid, and if they're getting paid most of them will take a case.
2007-03-01 04:12:38
answer #4
answered by Kaia 7
You are GUARANTEED a lawyer in the US unlike The UK and The Bahamas and many others. They have PUBLIC DEFENDERS. They can't say no. They can do a bad job but that usually leads to appeals and releases.
Its the LAW. its your RIGHT.
And they aren't neccessarily DEFENDING them but representing them. You can have them plead guilty and get them treatment instead of just sitting in jail. You are not required to free someone you know is guilty, just make sure they are not being railroaded by the system.
2007-03-01 04:15:20
answer #5
answered by Lotus Phoenix 6
you have to remember defense lawyers are usually people who have no problem putting their conscience to rest for the money they will make if they win. it's sick and twisted, but they have to make a living to i guess!?
i can't imagine any morally strong person ever defending a molester, so .... i don't have the nicest things to say about those lawyers.
2007-03-01 04:10:51
answer #6
answered by Taken by a Texan 6
A person accused of any crime is entitled by the Constitution to representation by counsel. However heinous we may feel the accused's crime to be, he or she must be convicted of it in as fair a trial as possible, otherwise it would not be justice, but vengeance.
People are often falsely accused of things by others who might have some grudge against them or can profit by the accused's incarceration in some manner.
I am sure that you wouldn't suggest that the mere accusation should constitute proof.
2007-03-01 04:17:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
becouse everyone is intitled to a fair trial and everyone is inocent until proven guilty. I don't like child molestors anymore than the next person but it is for a panel of jurors to decide if there is enough evidence to proove the accusor is guilty beyond resonable doubt.
2007-03-01 04:15:36
answer #8
answered by Alley C 3
Should we ban alleged child molesters from having legal representation? You better hope you are never accused of molesting a child.
2007-03-01 04:01:59
answer #9
answered by ? 5
yea its just like most lawyers will defend any one for the right amount of money
2007-03-01 04:00:02
answer #10
answered by xoloveyoulotsxo 1