Morality comes from evolution. Religion just packages that in belief and dogma and passes it off as its own.
2007-03-01 04:09:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Religion is just One place to obtain morals. and if you go from one religion to another there will be some morals that are the same. One can have morals without believing in a Higher Power. Some people just need to feel as though they are being taken care of. Regardless if a Higher Power is true or not, religion offers people that comfort. but as for morals...alot of them are universal. take the Golden Rule for example...that one (though worded differently) exists just about everywhere in the world. And no, just because a person claims to have morals doesn't mean they follow them. I've seen too many people who can "talk the talk" but can't "walk the walk" they follow the "do as I say, not as I do" code of morals, religious or otherwise. I think morals come from the individual as well as the group. the problem with the bible is that people take what they read very literaly for example in one of the epistles homosexuality is mentioned as an immoral act. so when an open homosexual wants to become a member of the clergy, everyone gets their panties in a ruffle. but few people stop to think "hey, this paticular epistle was written by Paul, perhaps Paul was a homophobic and was trying to slip some of his own beleifs in with the word of God". anyway Im going off on a wild tangent now. The point, religion is not the only place one can find morals. perhaps its just one of the easier ways or perhaps its more appealling because there are rewards (eternal life)for following these morals.
2007-03-01 12:41:06
answer #2
answered by Alley C 3
i don't think that being religious has anything to do with being a moral person.
no offense to the person who said that they have more morals then all the atheists in the world but how can you possibly say that.
i have seen the morals of atheists, pagans, christians, and others on here and there is good and bad in all.
2007-03-01 12:17:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
"Morals" are agreed upon rules of conduct designed to ensure optimum survival for the collective. If there is a God, and I am of those convinced of that proposition, then He must necessarily be committed to the Survival of Self and all that Emanates from Self, namely Man.
Therefore, from a Theological perspective, "Morals" are necessary to ensure the survival of Man; and the Guidance that the Almighty provides becomes the "moral base" of the recipients of that Guidance.
"Morals" are the Human Expression of the Universal Order.
2007-03-01 11:56:24
answer #4
answered by A.L.M. 2
I am not an "extremest Muslim" but I feel I should respond to that remark.
I believe you are confusing morals with having the SAME morals as you.
What are your morals? Where did you get your morals from? How do you know that they are correct/better? How have you studied them? How have you taught them? Should everyone obey them or just you?
Would you evangelize your morals (tell someone who was not agreeing with you that they should)? Would you risk you life for your morals? Would you give your life for your morals?
I am not talking vague answers like "everybody knows you should not kill" because NOT everyone knows this. Under what circumstances would you kill? To save your own life? To save someone Else's? Who would you not save?
How well do you really know yourself?
2007-03-01 12:12:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
every religon make us learn morals ( jewish christian islam) but the point is are humans doing there religon right ? the answer as u see is no because if we all do our religon right there will be peace tolerance no poor .......u know the muslims are the most religous ppl i have ever seen they pray they fast they give money for poor they don t do sex before marriage but also a few ppl dont really understand what islam say so they do opposite things ..
2007-03-01 12:12:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Ha Ha Ha Ha!........
oh..... that was not a joke??? right..............
Religion has A LOT to do with morals. You have been exposed to christians that do not adhere to the universal moral standards that have been set out for christians, thats all.
Buddy I have more morals thaln all the atheists in the world combined! :)
2007-03-01 11:52:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The theists think that without commandments, we'd all be eating babies. Maybe they would. Just another reason to be afraid of them.
2007-03-01 11:52:43
answer #8
answered by tain 3