Yup. Them por Indians lived under trees and sleeped on the ground, curled up like wolves, before us white folks larned them stuff like how to build houses. Next you're going to tell us how happy them slaves was, pickin' cotton and playin' the banjo while us white folks did the things thet was beyond them darkies mental capacity and made sure they didn' get into trouble.
> Showed them how bad alcohol was for them.
Not always. If you got an Indian drunk you could get twice as many beaver pelts from him for a steel knife. Traders weren't stupid. They handed out whiskey before settling down to trade.
> Educated them and clothed them
Tell me where you live. Sign your house over to me, because I have a gun. I'll let you live in the back and I'll teach your kids to read and write a little. That, in a nutshell, was the deal we gave them. Our army was better than theirs, so they lost their land.
We are not a "Christian nation". We are a nation with a lot of Christians living in it, some more obnoxious than others. Some of the ideas in the Constitution came from the governing articles of the Iroquois. Some came from European philosophers of indeterminate religion. Some of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were Unitarians, which doesn't count as "Christian". One was Jewish.
2007-03-01 03:58:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Being from Europe and at the time all the known religions were either Christians, Judaism, or Muslim, the Pilgrims were Christians, they were escaping religious persecution and religious wars in Europe.
The early settlers got along with the Indians for the most part, but as time passed the Indians were viewed as savages and did not have the same status or protection as the settlers.
Being honest the pilgrims and settles did not do much for the benefit of the Indians. the arrival of Columbus and the discovery of the New Worlds doomed these peoples to extinction. The American Indians were a culture that had stopped in time, they never progressed beyond the hunter gather level of development, except for a few tribes the practiced rudimentary farming, ot the Mayans, Aztecs, or Incas of Central and South America.
Again being honest the portrayal of the American Indians in today's media does not meet the reality of what they were like. most lived in small tribes large enough to defend themselves from other tribes and small enough to where they could sustain the tribe through hunting and fishing. They would raid other tribes for slaves, food and women and children. The gene pools were small and there was a very high child mortality rate, very high rate of birth defects. Again reason for raiding other tribes to get new blood in the gene pool. It was speculated that a great number of Indian tribes became extinct from European disease, which is true, but not as many as what was earlier suspected, a great number of these vanished indian tribes was a result of inbreding and the result from a too narrow gene pool.
The Pilgrims did little to aid the Indians, there culture was dommed to extinction the minute the first sail crest the the horizon. But the Indians had there own problems, and trouble of there own, they were not saints.
2007-03-01 03:58:31
answer #2
answered by DeSaxe 6
1. Natives already had houses. They were happy with them. Not just teepees either.
2. Natives already had education. You know how Christian colonizers educated Natives? They literally kidnapped their children and put them into boarding schools. The incidence of Rape in these boarding schools was extremely high. If the Natives were found talking their language they would be beat, their fingertips might be cut off, and many got their tounge pierced.
3. Colonizers brought alcohol to the US. Natives didn't have alcohol before them. Two tribes had a brew and that was only used in ceremony, not for recreation. The rest of tribes didn't even know what alcohol was. This is a fundamental fact.
4. Rob and kill each other.. You are obviousally racist.
Educate yourself. Stop spreading hate. You really make me sick. You are So Ignorant!!!
2007-03-01 11:33:23
answer #3
answered by RedPower Woman 6
The founders of this country were indeed Christian. However, since the rise of secular liberalism and morality is subjective; money and the pursuit of materialism is America's new faith. All you need is lots of "things" and you will be happy.
As for the Indians it was the end of their time. If it was so nice why don't the descendants of the Indians go back living off of wild game and living in teepees or wigwams? Sorry no horses since evil Spaniards introduced the horse to the "new world."
The concept of the "Noble Savage" and the Indian living in an ideal, utopian world was a literary invention by James Fenimore Cooper and Karl May. Like most fiction it was/is bunk.
2007-03-01 04:09:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Your reasoning is FLAWED!! Because the settlers of the FIRST colony were Christians is true. However, the first colony does NOT make this a nation. The nation grew and included many who were and are not Christians. Oglethorpe founded Georgia with a group of debtors, hardly all Christians. Pennsylvania was founded by Quakers, not all of whom were Christian. It is outrageous statements and illogical platitudes like yours that give Christianity and its place in this country a bad name.
2007-03-01 05:48:16
answer #5
answered by No one 7
You can't classify all Europeans into one group. The SPaniards were brutal to the native populations initially, but there were many Jesuits who stood up for them. THe French Jesuits would only spread Chrisitanity to tribes that wanted them there. If the tribe didn't want to hear the Jesuit, the Jesuit didn't waste his time there. The British and later the Americans were bad on occasion, but not allows the evil weardos they are described as the fact that there was a sporadic pro-native movement is typically ignored entirely.
2007-03-01 06:50:44
answer #6
answered by 29 characters to work with...... 5
True...but, when you add in the fact that so many people were "told" that their entire way of life, their beliefs, customs and opinions were wrong...when their land was stolen, when their children were forced to go to schools set up by missionaries and beaten for wanting to speak their own language...when entire tribes were nearly destroyed, forced to march (Cherokee Trail of Tears) hundreds of miles from anything they knew and loved, were treated to death by diseases unknown to them, were trammeled upon reservations which were unfit for European occupation, and enslaved for being different, women and children and aged people massacred (Wounded Knee) against whatever nominal "good" that the European settlers may have done for them....well, then, I revise my first statement...This is not true...just seeing one side.
Europeans had as much war, theft, petty crime, hatred, prejudice and ignorance as any Native American did, reference the Salem Witch Trials...that much is true.
Also, Christianity is a faith based on tolerance, love, compassion....you cannot use a blanket phrase like "Christian" to cover all things. This country is not Christian, it is free from religious persecution...
2007-03-01 03:45:15
answer #7
answered by aidan402 6
Obviously your short-haired professors forgot to tell you that these God fearing, straight laces Christians took it upon themselves to change a race of people that didn't have a need or want to for change. There was nothing wrong with the way they dressed, lived, or worshipped. These criminal christians, raped women, pillaged food supply, claimed land for a government that left them here to die, forced Christianity and along with bringing slaves or should I say endenture servants, forced Native Americans into forced slavery as well. What about the flu and small pox that killed innoccent people?
By calling them Indians, I can see where your brainwashed Christian mind still is. Here is a history lesson for you. The reason Native American got the name Indians is because that lousy navigator Christopher Columbus was headed to India, made a wrong turn, landed here, and called the first people he saw here Indians. Even after his crew told him this was not India, he went to his dumb-azz grave believing this was India. As I can see you have an admiration and worship for a pirate, rapist, and murderer.
All of the so-called good things they did was meant to benefit themselves and no one else.
Why do typical Christians like yourself hate to hear about the dark side of Christianity? How about the cruel treatment of mormans? Why was the first slave ship named after Jesus? Why was the slottering and colonization of this nation done in the name of Christianity?
Don't kid yourself in to thinking that Native Americans produced enough alcohol and made enough guns to exterminate themselves. Of course I am over reacting or making this up. I know this because I can read your typical caucazoid mind.
2007-03-01 04:51:28
answer #8
answered by BionicNahlege 5
That's personally what I think, but the people who have taken over this nation who want it to become the new Sodom and Gommorrha(which it is well on its way to becoming) will have tons of reasons why it isn't and shouldn't be. Further, you're right; the Indians weren't exactly herbivores and pacifists, even before Columbus came.
2007-03-01 03:40:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yes this is a CHRISTIAN nation......however, we are so weak right now that we are allowing the few atheist, pagans, to take away our symbols. In NYC, you cannot set up a manger scene on public property.....only a Christmas tree...now we all know that this has nothing to do with Christ....it was actually used by the pagans for their celebration of lights....during this time of year, that we now call christmas. Any way, on this publick property....there can be other religions, religious symbols. I predict, that unless we Christians take a stand, we will lose the Christmas holiday all together. We are teh majority in this country....so why sould we let these non believers dictate to us.
2007-03-01 04:31:40
answer #10
answered by mrs_endless 5