Your having a laugh aren't you?Bus Service,whats that?Where i live its more like a stagecoach service.Drivers detest picking passengers up.Have seen them deliberately change their destination screens to Not in Service so as not to have to pick passengers up.Waste of time complaining,the bus company's just laugh at you.About time the Bus Company's got their acts together.Lower the fares,run to timetables,and follow up complaints,instead of ignoring them.It is supposed to be a Public Service after all.We pay your wages.
2007-03-01 03:17:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The 192 bus from Manchester City Centre to Stockport then up towards Poynton is a bit of a pulp fiction soap opera at night. Hookers, gangsters, drugies, chavs, ASBO merchants, sub 16 girls in micro-miniskirts ect.. a right assortment for a mix of many a tale. However that isn't the bus companies fault... regular and ontime - I just don't like the bright neon lights in buses these days (rarely take a bus).
2007-03-01 03:10:03
answer #2
answered by Joe Bloggs 4
I'm in Indianapolis and I used to ride the bus to work. It was a convenient and cheap way to get to work and my bus was pretty clean. But it wasn't the dirtiness of the buses I didn't like, it was the people that rode them. Some of them were truly scary!
I was at a bus stop and I saw this huge guy walk up to a little child and just start screaming utter nonsense at him. The child was with his father (who was much smaller than the yelling guy) and the father just looked on and said nothing. I was much younger then and I was quite indignant, thinking to myself "how can he just stand by and let that guy yell at his child?" But now I realise that he did the right thing. Obviously that guy was not sane and any confrontation could have set him off!
And I always hated it when a schizophrenic would be on the bus. Oh you can tell who they are: talking to themselves and looking around suspiciously. I always avoided eye contact with them! I know it's not their fault that they are that way, but they can be very dangerous!
Anyway, I'm really glad that I don't need to use public transportation anymore!
2007-03-01 03:24:22
answer #3
answered by jtminindy 2
The 295 is pretty rubbish and always smells of piss and fish upstairs near the front seats.
I would love to see Ken Livingstone sitting on the 295 on a hot summer's day.
And I also hate those tragic Bendy Buses, why???????
2007-03-01 03:08:09
answer #4
answered by Pearl 5
294 from Harold Hill to Dagenham. Voted the most unsafe and dirtiest bus in the borough! Thank God I don't need to use it.
I'm sure Tony Blair has plenty of Merecedes' to ferry him around!
2007-03-01 03:06:55
answer #5
answered by Dan 3
From my journey if a bus runs with the aid of a coarse area, it has a tendency to be slightly grim. If it is going in the process the centre or someplace posh, it particularly is going to likely be nicer. The grubbiest ones that run with the aid of my neck of the woods (North West London) are those that go from or with the aid of Harlesden. Yeeks.
2016-12-18 03:15:58
answer #6
answered by ? 4
I havent been on a bus since i passed my driving test but i bet they still smell of piss
2007-03-01 03:04:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The megabus
2007-03-01 03:04:30
answer #8
answered by Misha-non-penguin 5
The one's around me that have all chinese drivers that can't ******* drive!
2007-03-01 03:06:03
answer #9
answered by Leo 4
all busses are dirty and rubbish!
2007-03-01 03:03:52
answer #10
answered by Jay A 3