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How a person can be really happy and satisfied in his life?What's the real meaning of life?

2007-03-01 02:56:19 · 11 answers · asked by Margot 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

11 answers

You can never know happiness. When you are aware of it, it's already over with. It's just like anger. When you are screaming at someone with all your fury, you don't pause and go "Hey, I'm angry", it's only after the moment has subsided that you become aware of the now dead sensation, whether it be a year later or only a second.

The question reveals that you are not happy otherwise you wouldn't be asking it. There's nothing wrong there, because there is nothing permanent in life. All those that try to delude you into believing in permanent happiness have one crumb short of a sandwich.

You can only ever be satisfied with death. Satisfaction implies coming to a stop and being everlastingly content. As I said, nothing remains the same, so to want permanent satisfaction is to pray for stagnation. Life implies action and movement, however slow and boring it may seem, nothing stays the same, so you cannot ever achieve permanent happiness and satisfaction. Even those with money, power, looks and so called love are never content, are they? You see these movie stars with every material possession and what do they do? They turn to drink, drugs, religion or some other form of self destruction. Why would they do this if they were content? Don't confuse this with not being grateful. You can be grateful for not living in the ghetto and having your health and some form of comfort, but true contentment, being a static state, is synonymous with death!

Why should there be a meaning to life? We just assume that there is one! Why can't the living itself be the meaning? Anything else a person says is an artificiality that has been superimposed on it by their personal brainwashing and belief structure.

Addendum for Sunshine Gal:
No, happiness does not vary from person to person. Happiness is happiness, just as hot is hot and blue is blue. There are degrees, but the sensation is the same. What you have described is pleasure, which is a totally different ball game and does vary depending on a person's idiosyncracies.

Addendum for Tim2honorgod:
Happiness is not a choice. You cannot choose feelings. They happen. There are some stupid 'self help' (contradiction in terms) people who will tell you otherwise and you may even delude yourself into believing this, but as I said, real feelings occur when 'you', i.e. the ego, are not present.

The people you all mentioned, despite what the world thinks were exactly the opposite of selfless, including Jesus, if he actually lived. There's no concrete proof of this either way. Gandhi and Mother Teresa were as ruthlessly ambitious as they come. As I often say when it comes to deep subjects, only the outward expression is different and there is only a minutia of difference between a Gandhi and a Hitler. Gasp, faint, horror! If you pause for a second though, you will see that in both of these people, the SELF was of the utmost importance. It was Hitler's irrefutable belief that he was right that made him a tyrant, but Gandhi had equally incredible willpower to get his way. It may have been perceived by the world that his cause was more 'pure', but ultimately it was his belief that he was right that was at it's root - the faught cause being only an extension of the ego. Staging starvation protests to get people to bend to your will, is a selfish act, no matter how much you may pretend it is otherwise! What about Mother T? She was selfless, wasn't she? No way!!!! It doesn't matter if she found contentment blowing sailors or feeding the poor, she did what SHE thought was right! The emphasis is always on the self. It cannot be any different. We like to differentiate between good and bad, but morals and ethics differ from place to place and time to time, so we must always come back to the person. Mother Teresa chose to do the things she did, so to call it selfless, when it was through choice is simply untrue. There are no selfless acts, because everybody has a sense of self. Without a self there, a person would be a vegetable, except possibly in a few truly intelligent people. All meaning that these people may or may not have found was a meaning of their own making and therefore limited and false. Sorry to disillusion you there.

And finally, for Gmude2000:
"None of us has all the answers." Speak for yourself Gmude! lol

Okay, not finally! Addendum for Rayah:
Your crap: "True happiness, peace, pleasure and ease can only be found in the remembrance of God"

Answer: This is pure and utter bunkum, spewed forth by scared little egomaniacs that don't have a clue about anything. It presupposes that such a thing as God exists and that we have somehow forgotten him/her/it. The infantile minds of some people never fail to amaze me.

Your crap: "Those who believe and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of God. Only in the remembrance of God can the heart find peace. (Surat ar-Ra'd: 28)"

Answer: As I've already pointed out, this assertion presumes that we have forgotten this 'God' in the first place. If you've forgotten Him, then how did you remember he was ever there to then forget?! This isn't just a smart as.s answer and a bit of a tongue twister to boot, it is using logic to pierce the clouds of archaic gobbldigook. If you start with a conclusion then you stop all enquiry and that's what silly kid on religious people do all over the world. If God made us forget Him somehow to test us, then it is his fault the world is the way it is. It also means he is a devious son of a b.itch and doesn't deserve being remembered at all. Either that or he was not all he was cracked up to be, because how else could we EVER have forgotten the originator of the universe, had we known Him to begin with? It's not like misplacing your car keys for crying out loud! This is so juvenile a belief that it defies belief!

Your crap: "This is a very important secret that God reveals to mankind in the Qur'an. Unaware of this fact, many people spend their lives under the delusion that worldly gifts would bring satisfaction. As if they would never die and meet the day of reckoning, they greedily strive to possess the values pertaining to this world. "

Answer: No secrets are revealed in th Koran or any other dumb religious books. None! Unaware of this fact, many people spend their lives under the delusion that their brainwashed (brainless) beliefs are actually any different from worldly gifts, but the mendicant and the hooker are one and the same. They do what THEY want to do. 'My' seeking God IS worldly. The emphasis is still on the me; the ego, which is of the world. The nonsense about meeting the day of reckoning is another example of ingrained belief and supreme arrogance, because now you are talking with certainty about after death and as death equals the end of knowledge as we know it, i.e. the unknown, any talk of certainty surrounding it is pure egotistical hogwash. Your desire to 'know God' is the most prominent show of desire and greed imaginable, beside which all the plutocrats and promiscuous people of the planet pale in comparison. 'Wanting God' is by definition wanting 'ultimate pleasure' and if that isn't greed, what is?

Your crap: "Yet this is a great delusion. Nothing poss essed in this world can bring true peace and happiness. Only believers who are sincerely devoted to God and who are cognisant of God's mercy, compassion and protection over them can attain the peaceful state of the heart. God grants this relief on the heart of the person who sees the evidences of God's creation and remembers Him at all times. Therefore it is vain to seek for ease or peace and happiness by any other means."

True, nothing possessed can bring peace and happiness, because as I stated, these are feelings and nothing is permanent. Your belief in permanence is YOUR delusion and your fear of death, ignorance of life and arrogance to not accept the inevitability of coming to an end has produced your God. God didn't make you, YOU made Him! Your attachment to this fictitious entity of your own making is ALSO POSSESSION. Again, there is no difference to being attached to teddy bears or Allahs and Muhammads. In fact, it's worse, because at least the teddy bears are tangible and worth holding on to. Plus, where's this mercy, compassion and protection you boast about? Certainly not on this planet. Babies are born, to die seconds later or forced to live with deformity and disease. Poor people exist side by side with the rich. We produce enough food to feed twice the world's population, but still there is famine. There is natural disaster and war. Old people die of hypothermia, while thugs win the lottery. Where's this mercy? Where's this justice? Oh that's right, after we die... I forgot. One more thing on this issue, if God is so merciful, then why should I have to worry about a day of judgement? Why should there BE a day of judgement in the first place if he is merciful? And the most glaring logical error of all is that if God created horrible people like me that defy him, then isn't it HIS fault he made me this way??!! You know, so defiantly smart that I see the faults in His own prescribed methods of salvation? Wouldn't judging me be in fact judging himself and his work? If I am to be condemned then surely he must be my eternal cell mate, no? I always have fun with the Christians about this issue and say that God was a cowboy workman because he took the seventh day off. It's okay Rayah, I know you don't get it.

When you then start talking about believers, you again destroy any credibility your speech has, because belief is not truth. And devoted to what God? You've forgotten Him, remember? So your devotion is to yourself. I say that and this is an absolute truth, because with no reference point, i.e. no God to look up in the phone book, your vision of God will no doubt differ from Bobby McTurdbreath down the road there. You then argue over whose vision is correct and then we have the world in which we live today, where petty idiots fight over fiction. Because you are devoted to this conjured up image, you are worshipping your own mind (what little of it there is) and that is the real reason for all war. We like to give them heroic names and justify them, but all fighting is fighting for these two sentences: "I am right." and "You are wrong.". God, whatever that may mean, has no place in it. Therefore when you talk about the 'relief you get from seeing evidence of God', you are really getting relief from the certainty of your own mindset. And as stated, this is no relief whatsoever, because along comes Oliver T and tells you in no uncertain terms how demented it all is and this troubles you. You now have to prove me wrong and thereby prove me right! This disproving Oliver T business disturbs you from your mental slumber. All belief is mental laziness. See it!

Your crap: "Therefore it is vain to seek for ease or peace and happiness by any other means."

Answer: All seeking is vanity. You find what you seek, but what is found is not true. The Christian mystic sees visions of Christ and the Hindu sees visions of Krishna and Shiva. The sci-fi loon sees every light in the sky as a UFO and the sceptic refuses to see anything. The capitalist sees the world his way and the communist his. None of it matters or has any validity, for they are all the same process going on and the process is nothing more than terribly childish ego.

2007-03-01 03:07:23 · answer #1 · answered by Oliver T 3 · 0 0

I'm intentionally going to give you a short answer, becasue I think happiness is a choice in any given situation/life. The ability to be truly satisfied with your life depends on what you're willing to do/get past to be satisfied. The true meaning of life is to die to self and live for others. This is why only people like Ghandi, Jesus, and Mother Theresa ever found the meaning in their lives.

2007-03-01 03:19:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Happiness is not something you have to strive for but it's something that's in all of us. Think back to when you were a child, you were just happy just because. In the material world we live in, it's hard to maintain true happiness because society tricks us into thinking that happiness is something we must earn. What do you mean by satisfied? Things cannot satisfy you, either your satisfied with your self or your not.

2007-03-01 03:49:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Happiness comes from within. You are the best person to know what makes you happy. But eternal happiness is not practical. Ups and downs in life are natural. But geting satisfaction in life is quite attainable. Do something which you feel is morally good. That will give you satisfaction. To sustain that, keep picking what you know is good, which you can do and do that.

Real meaning of life .. To live it! This is the root of howmanyever meanings you may come up with.

2007-03-01 04:17:22 · answer #4 · answered by karu_malar 2 · 0 0

Only in the Remembrance of God Do Hearts Find Satisfaction

All men living on earth seek ways to attain real happiness. Hopes are pinned on a goal of attaining happiness. Some seek happiness in an opulent life style, some in a prestigious career, a good marriage, plastic surgery, college admission. Once these goals are attained, however, whatever happiness results is usually transitory. Or often there is no joy or satisfaction at all in achieving the goal. However, there has been no one on earth who has ever attained true happiness through these methods. There are many issues that bother or disquiet even someone who believes the goal of complete happiness has been achieved.

True happiness, peace, pleasure and ease can only be found in the remembrance of God. God relates this fact in a verse as follows:

Those who believe and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of God. Only in the remembrance of God can the heart find peace. (Surat ar-Ra'd: 28)

This is a very important secret that God reveals to mankind in the Qur'an. Unaware of this fact, many people spend their lives under the delusion that worldly gifts would bring satisfaction. As if they would never die and meet the day of reckoning, they greedily strive to possess the values pertaining to this world.

Yet this is a great delusion. Nothing poss essed in this world can bring true peace and happiness. Only believers who are sincerely devoted to God and who are cognisant of God's mercy, compassion and protection over them can attain the peaceful state of the heart. God grants this relief on the heart of the person who sees the evidences of God's creation and remembers Him at all times. Therefore it is vain to seek for ease or peace and happiness by any other means.

2007-03-01 06:58:37 · answer #5 · answered by raYah 2 · 0 1

well as it is happiness varies from person to person........for sum ppl a small stroll might b pleasing.but for another a big presnet might make their day....i would suggest that if u want real happiness don't xpect anything jus take things as they come...so u won't have any lossess....besides that take one activity each day and look forward to it .......dont' have a grudge on anyone.be humourous
As for wat is life.the answer is the same.afterrall happiness is a part of life.........life is a journey in which most us don't know where we are heading......sum have goals and move in a particular direction........we might take a turn and get lost like our failures....but we can return back and continue ahead........so never lose heart.....it may take long but u'll never b gone forever......at times we are lazy and don't bother doing anything.....that is just that we r taking some rest......finally some of us reach our destination..so of continue to roam.....and some of us don't even know where we are.....so let's take a goal n walk towards our destiniy

2007-03-01 03:12:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

in case you like momentary happiness areas consistently, you are able to bypass on leaping from one to a different, like money, activities, entertainment etc. yet a number of those will grant you happiness for a quick time, after which you will seek for brand spanking new avenues for relaxing making. in case you're in seek of for one everlasting undertaking which offer you with happiness until the time you're alive, service to mankind, or any residing beings for that rely is the wonderful and maximum gratifying one. Do it and you will comprehend the excitement!

2016-10-17 00:34:43 · answer #7 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0

The Bible provide realistic and practical guidance that can help us make the best of our circumstances, whatever they may be. More important, the Scriptures provide a foundation for confidence that the conditions on earth will be much better in the near future. Indeed, future conditions will be as God intended them to be.


2016-05-19 02:35:34 · answer #8 · answered by Y.N. 2 · 0 0

You create your OWN happiness.
You MUST create your own happiness.

Satisfaction is placing a limit on your 'grabbing' hands.
You must consciously decide that you HAVE ENOUGH of this or that ... ENOUGH!

The real meaning in life is to learn the lessons of love, loss, gratitude, pain, AND LETTING GO of ALL we have in this life AND ascending unto a higher level of consciousness.

None of us has all the answers.

2007-03-01 04:10:58 · answer #9 · answered by gmude2000 2 · 0 0

True happiness is nothing else than good health and bad memory

2007-03-01 04:11:53 · answer #10 · answered by Beauty isn't everything... 5 · 0 0

you can not know that as a fact, not until you die ate least.

2007-03-01 07:47:11 · answer #11 · answered by sofista 6 · 0 0

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